Korean Citizenship

“Ask a Korean” tackles the issue of South Korean citizenship. Check out the section on “simplified naturalization”:

1. If one of your parents was a Korean citizen. (Emphasis on “was.” It’s ok if your parent renounced Korean citizenship.)

Hey, I think that includes me! My mom was born in Korea to a Korean woman, so she would’ve been a citizen, right? (She would’ve renounced it as a child when they moved to America.) That’s pretty neat.


One response to “Korean Citizenship”

  1. jimmy

    I hav ebeen said about korean cititizenship in korean, although iam not a residence here and illegally staying for almost 12 years.korean tradition and hard work which i am….. i hope i could be qualified!( news is spreading that we might be,only we can able test in writting and actuall speaking ing korean languages.Hoping and wishing some how u could help me and my wife………………..merry christmas &happy new year