When it rains, it pours. I left my umbrella on the train Tuesday morning, so I quickly went to buy another one. It was blue and pretty and it kept me dry for 48 hours. Then the wind blew it inside out and broke two of its ribs. Now I need another umbrella. Can somebody in Sydney point me to an umbrella that won’t break but is small enough to carry every day? (I refuse to carry a golf umbrella, and I give dirty looks to everyone who does.)
2 responses to “Rain”
I got mine from Woolworths Town Hall – about $7 and fits in my bag. its not exciting, but has lasted me since last winter so I think the quality is ok. Otherwise – maybe Myers if you want a special one? Lincrap had some interesting retro-polka-dot ones when I was there on Monday…
gowings used to sell what i used to think was an indestructable umbrella. of course there is no more gowings and well, the umbrella distructed yesterday.