Compatto Yarn Salon

Compatto Yarn Salon
Last night I left work and walked a few blocks over to Compatto Yarn Salon. That’s the knitting shop I found on my first day, and I knew they were having a sock knitting night. I’d brought my long-neglected Rhiannons along. There were five ladies sitting on the sofas in the back, happily stitching away. I introduced myself and a couple of them recognized me from a question I asked on the Ravelry LA forums. Everybody was really friendly and I had a great time. (My favorite bit: One of the girls who works there was like, “Maybe while you’re here we can teach you to knit continental!” I chuckled and explained that I’m perfectly able to do continental and use it whenever I do two-handed fairisle, but in general I just prefer my silly old inefficient method of throwing. I think that threw her for a loop, so to speak.) I was surprised and fascinated to learn that one of the other knitters works on political campaigns, and she happily whipped out a photo of herself with Barack Obama. Cool! We debated the merits of the Australian electoral system as opposed to the U.S. Of course, sitting in such proximity to such gorgeous wool made Stash Acquisition inevitable. I managed to escape with only a ball of hot pink variegated Cascade Fixation (for making a hat for my niece) and a gorgeous golden skein of Pagewood St. Elias, a scrumptiously soft sock yarn made with Blue Faced Leicester wool. I’m going to try to make it back for next week’s group too.


One response to “Compatto Yarn Salon”

  1. Ha! Bet you increase that acquisition – so hard to avoid when surrounded by all the delicious stuff-you-can’t-get-at-home.