1930s Husbands and Wives

1930s Marital Scale. I went through it answering the Wife questions for myself and scored a dismal 24, which means I rate “Very Poor (Failure)” as a 1930s housewife. I got dinged for failure to “sew on buttons or darn socks regularly,” not keeping “self dainty, perfumed, and feminine,” and putting my “cold feet on husband at night to warm them” (among others).

Me: I scored a 24. As a 1930s wife, I am Very Poor (Failure).
Snook: I rated myself as Average. We need to answer for each other and see how it compares.
Me: I think the responsibilities for men are somewhat less stringent. 🙂
Snook: There’s room for improvement. I need to provide you with more labour-saving devices, and take you out on dates.


7 responses to “1930s Husbands and Wives”

  1. I knew I’d do badly, but I didn’t expect to get 1.

  2. missfee

    would you believe I got 95!!!!

  3. 78. As a 1930s wife, I am Very Superior. LOL.

  4. Rachel

    ha ha ha I score 6. My poor, poor husband. Has to put up with me in my pajamas and stocking feet. How does he cope.

  5. HA! Just got married on Friday and I am already a failure. I got 9 😀

  6. I am dreadful with a 10, but my husband is still pretty stink with a 30 (I think he cheated)

  7. omg.. I got a 77 … :S hehe