
Week 8 distance: 12.25mi (19.6km)
Week 9 distance: 21.65mi (34.7km)
Week 10 distance: 11mi (18km)

After really pushing it last week, I had a planned cut-back week to recover. My lower back pain has returned a little bit, which is probably due to me NOT doing the stretches and exercises the physio gave me. (Yes, I suck, and I’m going to start again.) I may go see him again if I can’t resolve it on my own. Other than that, I’ve got the usual litany of minor running ailments: a couple niggling pains in my shins and knees, and a slightly tender hamstring. More worrisome is the sudden pain I felt at the top of my right quad as I was finishing my 45-minute run this morning. I put anti-inflammatory gel on it, and I’ll be doing some icing tonight. It hasn’t bothered me at all while walking, so I don’t think I’ve hurt it too badly. I just have to hang in there for five more weeks…