2008 Bridge Run

The Snook and I headed to Milson’s Point early this morning to join the crowd of 12,000 at the starting line our third consecutive Bridge Run. (Last year’s post.) Fiona and Emily the Car were amongst the throng as well, though we didn’t find them til later. Snookums and I felt pretty good. We started off and began the climb up onto the Bridge. It was a gorgeous day, with fluffy clouds that quickly gave way to the sun. We weren’t going terribly fast – just shy of a 7:00 kilometer – but I felt like I could go for a while. We slowed to a walk for the first water stop, then sped back up again into the Domain. We passed the 5K mark at just about 35:00. The sun was getting hotter though, and both of us were getting thirsty. We were relieved to make it to the second water stop, only to be disappointed when there were no cups left. (A volunteer was doing what he could with a dribbling hose, but it wasn’t nearly enough. BAD RACE ORGANISATION.) So we wasted a minute or so there NOT getting water. Then it was the hilly bit of the Domain, and both of us were fighting stitches. I made it up the annoying little hill that I had to walk last year, which was gratifying. We made a quick detour at the Art Gallery to hit a water fountain. Then it was all downhill to the finish line. I could tell we weren’t going to make it in an hour, but I thought I could maybe improve on last year. According to the time that they later SMSed to me (1:02:34), I shaved about 20 seconds off last year’s time. So not a huge PB, but I’ll take it. Afterwards we met up with Em and Fee and Emily’s partner Clare (who finished her first half-marathon in the awesome time of 2:09!). Hooray for all the finishers! We did good work on a hot day.

Later in the afternoon, all the runners and their associated partners – as well as Amy, Bex, and Fin – met up at our place for a barbecue. We had lamb sausages, steak kebabs, Snookums’s magic chicken, my jewelled couscous, and lots of lovely sweets and drinks from the guests. Greeeeaaat way to end a beautiful summery day…


2 responses to “2008 Bridge Run”

  1. Bex

    It was super!

  2. I loved doing the run – can see why you do it, now!