That One

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but go watch this “Diddy blog”. P. Diddy calls out McCain for referring “to a grown man as ‘that one.’ A man that has worked hard, a man that has done the impossible, a man that has fought for every ounce of respect that he should deserve… Whether you agree with somebody or not, you’re trying to be the President of the United States, and you refer to another man as ‘that one’? … That’s not right, man.”


2 responses to “That One”

  1. I did. Blimey! McCain really got that wrong – and Diddy hot it right (I, too, can’t believe I’m saying that).

  2. stig

    McCain may have indeed had a senior moment or he may have been temporising trying to construct something clever to say. It doesn’t matter because the stuff that spills from politicians’ mouths is pure fertilizer.
