
More veggie box goodness tonight! We got celery, pak choy, a leek, onions, potatoes, carrots (real ones with the tops still on!), a sweet potato, a monster zucchini, lemons, oranges, apples, nectarines, and half a dozen organic eggs. Phew. I used up some of the potatoes and eggs making a Provencal salad. It also had cherry tomatoes, tuna, olives, capers, parsley, and green beans (including four from my garden!). The dressing is white wine vinegar, olive oil, dijon mustard, and garlic. I served it on a bed of endive and baby silverbeet. If you liked the previous tuna pasta dish I made, you’ll like this one!


One response to “Veggies”

  1. Brittanie

    Celery leek, onions, potatoes, carrots = potato soup. Although it is getting to be summer there so you might not want this right now. But YUM.