Dude, I wish I had an Aeron chair. We’ve got these crappy ones that get all crooked and wonky. And mine’s got these horrible armrests that I’m about to break off. In order to fit them under my desk so I’m not four feet away from the keyboard, I’ve got to lower the seat a foot and reach up to type. I also got a new file cabinet under my desk on the left, which means I have to sit off-center in order to fit the extra-wide handles under there anyway. Why can’t we get some of the dot-com excess over here? Oh yeah, we’ve got no money. *sigh*
3 responses to “”
OMG, i was just thinking that! mine is awful–it makes my back ache and my fanny all hot! ick.
You’re at home! Go lay on the couch! 🙂
while that’s a very good point, even the couch here sucks (the apt. came furnished). we do have a pretty comfy chair, but i can’t get a whole lot of work done from there.