NEW JOB! Just heard back from the interview I had yesterday… and I got it! Very similar job in a different company. I get to start on January 5, which means I’ve got a nice little bit of vacation time here. So if you crossed your fingers or put some positive vibes out into the universe for me, THANK YOU! It’s such a relief. 🙂


19 responses to “NEW JOB!”

  1. missfee, gusseting and emily


    crackin open the champers NOW!!!!

    all of us rooting from the couch

  2. Congratulations! I knew you could do it. Have a nice relaxing holiday season.

  3. I only just caught up with the whole story and was about to tell you how sorry I was. But no need! Well done.

  4. Congratu-bloody-lations!

  5. Congratulations! Enjoy your break and 2009.

  6. Good on you Kris!!!

  7. Yay. Congrats.

  8. Congratulations! That’s great! By the way, that’s the fastest I’ve ever heard of someone finding a job after getting laid off. I would have sulked for at least a week before looking…good for you!

  9. That’s amazing! Congratulations!!

  10. Oh my goodness! well done! so awesome.

  11. Hot damn, that was quick! Nice job!

  12. Moire

    Awesome, Kris! Congrats! \o/

  13. Holy crap, that was impressive!

  14. Nicole

    That is fantastic!! Congragulations and have a great festive season (you deserve this Kris).

  15. amy

    damn, that was quick! well done

  16. Congrats Kris! That is awesome news just before Xmas…

  17. Rachel

    Wow! Super speedy! Truly great news! have a wonderful holiday!!

    So happy for you!

  18. WeeB

    CongoRats! Great news!