Cat Détente

So far so good…
A cautious Cat Détente seems to have been established in the Snook-Howard household. After sulking beneath the bed all day yesterday, Dr. Amy finally emerged to investigate the newcomer. They got within three feet of each other, with Amy hissing and trying to establish her dominance. Petey, to his credit, cowered and looked appropriately submissive. Amy then gave him the stink-eye and tried to look dignified as she stomped back to her sleeping place. And that’s pretty much where they’ve left it, with thankfully no fighting whatsoever. Personally, I think “annoyed tolerance” counts as a huge WIN considering it’s only Day 2. We’re taking Petey to the vet tomorrow to get his microchip put in. (The vet recommends against giving him “the snip” until he’s six months old, so he’s got a temporary reprive on that.)


One response to “Cat Détente”

  1. missfee

    phew he can retain his manhood for a few more weeks