
Whoa. AskMeFi goes Hitchcock! “Is my husband trying to kill me?” She certainly makes a pretty convincing case for it. Of course, hundreds of people are chiming in that she’s probably just paranoid and should see a therapist, which is good advice. But man, yeah, if the Snook suddenly suggested we get large life insurance policies and then go sailing and hiking in sparsely populated areas, I’d be creeped out too!


2 responses to “Murder?”

  1. I thought her story was creepy, too, when I read it this morning, but didn’t want to get shouted down by agreeing with her.

    However, I was also struck by how much her story resembled the movie Suspicion (with a little Rebecca and Gaslight in there). I bet there’s nothing to her paranoia, but I’d still cancel my life insurance if I were her.

  2. Well, if he isn’t trying to kill her yet, he undoubtedly will be after a few years of this behavior. They’re coming to get you, Barbara…