The Big Picture: The Inauguration

The Big Picture: The Inauguration. Those photos are fantastic. I was proud yesterday, but like Rubbernun I felt like I sorta missed out on the whole “transcendent communal experience.” Looking at those pictures though, it really hit me. My favorites were the ones of all the people in countries around the world watching as Obama took the oath. It reminds me of the exhibit at Kennedy Space Center that shows photos of people around the world gathering to watch the moon landing. That’s what it feels like. (And geez, not to harp on the obvious or anything, but I don’t remember millions of people around the world cheering at the last two American inaugurations.)


One response to “The Big Picture: The Inauguration”

  1. First off, I love The Big Picture. It’s consistently amazing. Secondly, one of my favorite parts of the inuaguration was watching it at work. Our floor is very international, so it was really cool to gather around a computer with people from the USA, Colombia, India, Sweden, Israel, etc, and see how everyone was so excited about the new President.