Happy 50th Anniversary to my Grandparents
My mother’s side of the family are gathering in Indiana to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of my grandparents, Jim and Soon Harter. This is their wedding photo, which ran in the paper with the announcement. Aren’t they gorgeous? Grandpa looks so dashing and strong and handsome, and Grandma looks exotic and beautiful and brave. I like to think I can see a little of myself in them. I’m heartbroken that I can’t be there to help them celebrate at the party my Mom has organised. My sister is going though, and she’s taking their youngest great-grandchild along. I’m going to try to get up early Monday morning and call them during the party. I love you and miss you guys!
3 responses to “Happy Anniversary, Grandma and Grandpa!”
Stunning photo!
Great photo, they are a beautiul couple!