Veggies for Victory
“The Obamas’ vegie patch…is alarming conservatives.” See? That’s why I want to keep my veggie patch, despite the Snook’s protests. (To be fair, my total yield this year was next to nothing.) Still, I feel trying to grow my own food is at least a little bit subversive and political. In related news, we’ve started up the weekly veggie box again after a bit of a break. They’ve moved pickup to Saturday mornings at the Farmer’s Market at the Chippo Peace Park, which works out fantastic for us. It gives us a bit more time to work out what we’re doing with it, and a chance to go to the shops to get any necessary ingredients. Plus the new organiser, Daria, lets us pick out just what we want! Today we got LOADS, well worth the $25 we spent! (Pumpkin, zucchini, beetroot, leeks, capsicum, beans, potatoes, onion, and fennel.) We’ve already had beetroot risotto, and a chocolate and beetroot cake is cooling in the kitchen as we speak…
2 thoughts on “Veggies for Victory”
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beetroot and chocolate cake? Describe! Sounds earthy.
Here’s a tip a friend who grows organic veggies gave me…just grow salad greens and herbs,they’re so easy to grow.
Unless you’re prepared to put in hours of work with veggies you’ll be disappointed with your success rate but mixed lettuce and rocket even grow in pots and are always there to pick for that day’s salad.
Anyway your veggie box sounds like such a fabulous deal, you couldn’t compete!