The Sydney running season is upon us and I’ve started to ramp up my training a bit. My ultimate goal is the Half Marathon at the Running Festival in September, so I’m using the 20 week training plan from that site. There are also a number of shorter races along the way this winter. First was the Mother’s Day Classic 8K I ran a few weeks ago. Next up is the Bay Run on August 2nd, a 7km run around Iron Cove Bay. I’m running it as a team with Shane, Tim, and Stef. The following Sunday will be the City 2 Surf, where once again I’ll try to break the elusive 100-minute barrier. I just have to talk the Snook into running with me…
This week: 22.39km (14mi)
Previous week: 17.41km (11mi)
One difficulty this year is some general lower back pain and stiffness. I think I injured it trying too hard on the rowing machine at Spudds. I’ve been to the physio last Wednesday and today, and she’s given me some exercises and stretches. A big part of it is my right hip being way too tight, as it was last year.