
After having an extremely light week last week, I headed out in my new shoes this morning to test my shins. I went very slow, and I took a short walk break every five minutes. I felt great! No pain at all while running. I massaged in some Voltaren after the run, and I could feel some residual pain (especially on my left leg) then. I’ll take it easy until I’m fully recovered.

This week: 10.11km (6.3mi)
Last week: 25.83km (16mi)

Yeah, big drop there. I swear I’m going to take it slow.


One response to “RunningBlog”

  1. BJ

    Hey! You missed the SWR marathon!!It was on the Sunday of the long weekend. Apparently that’s when it is run every year…get those shins better and I’ll start making the ‘GO KRIS’ signboards.