How are you guys doing in your 2010 Happiness Challenge? Week 1 was about getting more sleep, and I’m proud to report that the Snook and I have made positive changes in this area. We have been getting off the couch and heading to bed pretty consistently at 10pm every night. It’s not much, but it’s an improvement. Week 2 is about getting more exercise. I’ve been doing plenty of running, and today I went back to Spudds for the first time in ages. I tore up my hand on the rowing machine, but it was still a pretty good workout. I felt strong afterwards, not tired at all. (That may be due to the fact that the shower at our office has NO HOT WATER, which I didn’t realise til I was in there, naked and shivering. Good for the muscles, right?) Anyhoo, I’m feeling pretty energised so far. How about you?
2 responses to “Happiness Challenge”
go you – I have been making the bed my one step forward – and the desk is my next project. You have definitely inspired me Kris! Oh and I am back at the gym and running too!!!!!
i think of you every time I see my unmade bed!! And then I make it! That’s how it’s going!