Pumpkin Sex

Michael is exhorting us all to help the sex life of Chippo’s pumpkin vines. Heh. Both vines that I’ve grown haven’t had a single female flower, so I’ve yet to do any pumpkin fertilisation myself. I’ll be on the lookout though.


One response to “Pumpkin Sex”

  1. We had no luck with our pumpkins, despite using the recommended paint brush for transferring the ???? (can’t remember the term) from the male to the female. It would all look okay then the baby pumpkin would just rot away. We ended up pulling them out as our COURTYARD was a pumpkin jungle – and the motto here is a version of Grandpa Flea’s mantra: if you can’t eat it, don’t buy it! Strangely, lebanese cucumbers in the same spot did very well.
    Good luck.