Happy anniversary, Snookums.

It was 10 years ago today that I found out my work visa to stay in London had been approved. It was 10 years ago today that I went out and celebrated with my co-workers at a succession of dodgy pubs and clubs in Hammersmith and Fulham. It was 10 years ago today that I finally kissed the cute boy in the office that I liked.

Me and Snookums

How lucky that he also turned out to be my best friend! Happy first decade, Snookums. May we have many more together.

The photo was taken on my iPhone with this app. I am on an iPhone photo app bender here lately.


4 responses to “Happy anniversary, Snookums.”

  1. Happy anniversary!

  2. WeeB

    Congrats to you both. May there be loads more!

  3. rdh

    So who was that cute boy you kissed? At first I thought it could be Rodd but then I saw the word cute and figured it had to be somebody else. Sorry Rodd just messing with ya, miss you guys.

  4. Many hugs of congratulations from America! Matt and I wish you many more years together!