Juno Regina

Juno ReginaJuno Regina
Actual knitting content! It’s been a while. I fell in love with Juno Regina when it first came out in 2007 but never felt inspired enough to give lace a real go. The Morris Empire 2ply kept calling to me though, so I finally cast on at Knitting Camp. I will be the first to admit that I was quite the sight, hunched over my lace and growling at anyone who dared interrupt me while laboriously counting yarnovers under my breath. Those first twenty rows were a trial, people. Eventually I got the hang of it though, and the diamond pattern started to emerge. Chart 3 threw me for a loop, but fortunately I found a Ravelry discussion that cleared it up. The end portion is now finished and I’m powering through the body of the scarf. I don’t even know who it’s for! I like it, but I’m not sure I’ll wear it. I’m thinking maybe a gift for my Mom or my sister…

3 thoughts on “Juno Regina”

  1. Yay for Lace!!!

    Looks good, Kris! I’ve been eyeing off the Juno Regina pattern myself, for a while, but just haven’t found the right yarn for the job as yet.. maybe some handspun?

  2. I’ll fight ya’ for it, ma! Looks like it’d be perfectly light for California springs and falls… 🙂

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