RunningBlog: Week 25

This is it. This is the low point of the year, I swear it. I only ran once this past week. I didn’t go to Spudds. I feel listless and flabby. I could make excuses – I think I’ve been fighting off a virus for the past week; Rodd didn’t want to run on the weekend; I’ve been busy at work; I haven’t been sleeping well – but really, I could’ve done more if I really wanted to. I haven’t had a weekday morning run in ages. Winter, you know? It’s tough. My half-marathon training starts next week though, so I’m hoping a plan will get me back on course. And it did feel good to go for a longer distance on that single run…

June 20: 10.96km run
Total this week: 10.96km (6.85mi)
Total in 2010: 472.41km (295mi)

Next week will be the halfway point in my goal to run 1000km in 2010, and as you can see I’m a bit behind on making the 500km mark. It’ll all get better from here, right?


2 responses to “RunningBlog: Week 25”

  1. My 1000km walking/running goal for this year has had its ups and downs, too. Don’t worry about your off weeks, and focus on the larger goal!

  2. Loree

    You know what they say… don’t beat yourself up about it. It’ll only make you feel worse! And a few days rest never hurts 🙂 You’ll be back on course in no time. And think how much more enjoyable it is to run when you don’t have to worry about heat exhaustion!