I always knew that the last week of the trip would be hard to get in my runs. We were travelling by ourselves in Wisconsin, and we were doing a lot of sightseeing on our feet. (We spent nearly five hours walking through the House on the Rock, for instance, so there was no way I could run after that.) I did get in a 4-miler on the treadmill at our hotel though. Then we basically lost two full days in transit back to Sydney, and then another two to jet lag. Finally managed a decent run (in the freezing rain) on Tuesday, only to come down with a cold later that same day. I’m hangin’ on. My only consolation is that last week was a scheduled cut-back week anyway, so I haven’t wrecked my training plan too badly. I just need to get back out there as soon as I can.
Aug. 1: 10.05km
Aug. 4: 6.4km
Aug. 10: 7.13km
Total for these two weeks: 23.58km (14.73mi)
Total in 2010: 590.32km (368.95mi)
My tally for 2010 has taken a beating though. I’m now 25km behind where I need to be to meet my goal of running 1000km in the calendar year. Eeek!