Scott Pilgrim vs the World

WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB! 1-2-3-4!
Last Friday I went to see the long-awaited Scott Pilgrim vs. the World with the Snook and Kunaal. I’d been looking forward to it for so long that I thought the chances were good I’d be disappointed. Fortunately it lived up to the hype in my head – I LOVED it! I was giggling non-stop from the 8-bit intro to the very end. I just love the idea of applying the structure and aesthetics of an old-school NES side scroller to a movie. And yeah, I know that most of the world are completely over Michael Cera right now, but good ol’ George Michael can still do no wrong by me. (The Snook nearly lost it at the “I have to pee on her…” line.) I read Kevin’s review with interest this morning. I can see his complaints. Scott is kind of a dick, especially to Knives (who I loved). And Ramona is kind of a blank, passive cypher. I wasn’t bothered by that though; to me that’s just part-and-parcel of the whole videogame thing. Mario gets a personality; Princess Peach doesn’t. Somehow it didn’t trigger my feminist rage button. I think I tend to give well-written genre stuff a pass on a lot of that. (See also: The Princess Bride.) And on a practical level, they just had too much plot to get through to engage in a lot of character study. So I was able to forgive the gender stuff. It was just such a fun, visceral, WHIZZ-BAM! experience. It’s like the lighter side of Kick-Ass. Can’t wait to get this one on DVD…