Unofficial Sydney WWFoR Get-Together

Attention Sydney runners! JayDub came up with the great idea to host an unofficial Sydney event/get-together next month for the Worldwide Festival of Races. I helped out by throwing together a website: Everyone’s invited to come along! The date/time are easy to remember: 10/10/10 at 10:10:10am. We’re going to set up camp at the Ash Paddock picnic grounds near the Randwick Gates at Centennial Park. While a contingent of supporters (led by the Snook) stays behind to watch our stuff, the runners will take off to do their preferred events (5K, 10K, or Half-Marathon) around the Grand Drive. Afterwards we’ll hang around for a barbecue! Let us know if you’re going to join us…


One response to “Unofficial Sydney WWFoR Get-Together”

  1. I want to come but at the moment have something on… Time to see if I can do a little juggling!