Two weeks ago I got an email from someone at SKINS asking if I’d be interested in testing out their new A400 Active range. “Uh, sure!” I said. They also invited me to create a Landmark Challenge on their new Facebook app. The idea is that you post photos or a video of yourself attempting some sort of fitness feat and then everyone else is challenged to try it and post their scores. I immediately thought of my weekly attempts at Spudds to get 100m in 20s on the rowing machine. So what the hell! I had Spudds record a video of my attempt on Monday night:
I honestly had NO IDEA that I make those grimaces when I’m rowing. GRRRR! Fierce Kris is FIERCE! 🙂
Anyway, my Challenge went live on the Facebook app and you can see it by scrolling down on the “Featured Challenges” list to “Rowing Machine Challenge.” So far I think mine is the only Challenge submitted by the public. I can’t wait to see if anybody else has a go. I’m going to see if I can get my double-hundreds tonight.
Oh! And they sent me a pair of Women’s 3/4 Compression Tights today, so I’ll be testing and reporting on those very shortly… Thanks SKINS!
Update: I got my double hundreds today! New Challenge score is officially 200m. 🙂