RunningBlog: Week 47

The year is winding down! Only five weeks to go. After last week’s fantastic workouts, this week I felt pretty tired and run-down. (It doesn’t help that our cat is sick and he’s been keeping us up at night.) I managed to meet my distance goal but I didn’t feel very swift doing it. I only had one session at Spudds. It was just a worn out kind of week.

Nov. 21: 11.61km
Nov. 23: 5.01km
Nov. 25: 7.25km
Total this week: 23.87km (14.9mi)
Total in 2010: 891.23km (557mi)

I’m 90% of the way to my goal of running 1000km in 2010! I just have to hold it together for a few more weeks…