Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning
On our weekend the Snook and I…

  • Did about 10 loads of laundry, including the special stuff like woollens and delicates.
  • Bleached the hallway ceiling where the old dryer had made it moldy.
  • Reorganised and cleaned the utility closet.
  • Reorganised and cleaned the kitchen cupboards, including under the sink. (PUKE!)
  • Cleaned out the fridge and pantry.
  • Took out several loads of rubbish and recycling.
  • Polished the induction cooktop.
  • Filled two new kegs of homebrew.

I love productive weekends.

One thought on “Spring Cleaning”

  1. Feel free to have a productive weekend at my place anytime!!

    In return, I’d be happy to help with your knitting and/or crochet!!

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