Bulgogi with Cucumber Kimchi

Bulgogi with KimchiBulgogi with Cucumber Kimchi
We had a surplus of cucumbers in the fridge from our last two veggie boxes, so I decided that some sort of pickles were in order. Once I settled on making cucumber kimchi, bulgogi suggested itself as a natural accompaniment. (Plus it’s my favorite Korean dish ever.) I cut up and salted the cucumbers on Sunday and left them overnight. Monday morning I added the rest of the ingredients. (Note: I didn’t have any Korean chili powder on hand, so I just used what I had. It tasted fine but it didn’t have that bright red colour.) I covered the bowl with cling film and left it on the counter for 24 hours. Monday night I sliced up a rump steak (which I’d frozen first to make it easier to slice thinly) and then put in the rest of the marinade ingredients. (I was out of sesame seeds so I left them out, but it’s better with them.) Tuesday night I fried up the beef really quickly and served it over rice with the kimchi on the side. It was really good!

