I got up early because Fiona was picking me up for a run. We headed to Iron Cove to run the Bay Run. It was a beautiful day. (That’s another 6.85km off my total, leaving me with 2.6km to go!) After a shower back home, the Snook and I headed into the city to run a few errands. He got computer parts; I got some sewing supplies. Then I headed to HCF Dental to see if I could get an emergency appointment to fix a broken tooth. (I was eating a toffee on Boxing Day when a bit of tooth around a filling went CRUNCH and disappeared.) I didn’t have to wait too long and within an hour I was out the door all fixed up. He’d had to drill a little bit though, so I’d had a local anesthetic and the whole right side of my face was numb for hours. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful: I had a nap; I finished the crochet baby blanket; I made some banana ice cream. I also watched the Carbo family’s entire series of 8 YouTube videos documenting all of Christmas morning. The highlight was seeing my nephew Penn open our gift and leap to his feet shouting “MOOMINS!” That was great. 🙂