RunningBlog: Week 52 – I’M DONE!

I am extremely happy to report that this morning I crossed the 1000km threshold for the year. Hooray! Thanks to everyone who supported me along the way.

Dec. 25: 6.44km
Dec. 27: 8.65km
Dec. 29: 6.88km
Dec. 31: 5.04km
Total this week: 27.01km (16.88mi)
Total in 2010: 1002.41km (626.5mi)

I knew today that I needed 2.63km to hit the 1000, so the Snook came along to the park and stationed himself near that point. He shot some video as I crossed the imaginary line.


7 responses to “RunningBlog: Week 52 – I’M DONE!”

  1. Tia

    Well done! You must feel absolutely jubilant that you accomplished your goal!

  2. Congrats Kris, great achievement!

  3. Alison

    Kris, congratulations and thank you so much – you’ve been inspirational! I’ve been tempted to stop running many times this year, but instead have kept going and am now thinking about a goal for 2011 myself – don’t think I’m ready for 1100, but certainly 800 seems possible. Well done again – and happy new year!!!

  4. Max

    Fantastic–BIG congrats, Kris!

  5. Rachel

    Yay! Well done and Happy New Year!

  6. Emma

    Well done!

    I’d love to join you for 1100 in 1100.

  7. Emma

    Or even in 2011,I’m not sure what calendar I was using!