A newspaper in the UK ran a map of the flooding in Queensland and included a completely non-existent Australian state called “Capricornia.” How odd.
A newspaper in the UK ran a map of the flooding in Queensland and included a completely non-existent Australian state called “Capricornia.” How odd.
January 4, 2011 — 7:06 pm
Maybe they’d read Xavier Herbert’s iconic 1930s novel for which he creates a ‘state’ of this name, or more probably they’d mistaken the central Queensland electorate of Capricornia for a state. But how interesting…
January 4, 2011 — 11:53 pm
Aaaan – yes, it WAS the Daily Mail!
January 5, 2011 — 9:28 am
ah hahahaha, its a wonder they didnt just call us new holland and be done with it!
January 9, 2011 — 10:26 pm
When I was up in Cairns we just called it FNQ…