I can’t believe I’m starting over again at the beginning!
Jan 3: 11.75km
Jan 5: 5.83km
Jan 7: 4.24km
Total this week: 21.82km (13.6mi)
Total in 2011: 21.82km (13.6mi)
I need to average 21km per week to meet my goal of running 1100km in 2011, so I hit that target pretty much exactly. I have a feeling that my weekly totals are going to ebb and flow a little more this year thanks to the marathon training. Galloway’s plan has me always following a long run with 1-2 weeks of cutback. I’m sure it will all average out in the end…
One response to “RunningBlog: Week 1”
you have done good – so far I have managed just under 10kms