Woohoo! Probably my longest running week EVER. I had my excellent 20-miler on Sunday, then two easy 5K runs through the week to recover. I also managed a session at Spudds on Wednesday. My right hamstring/butt/hip is still a bit tight, but I’m being vigilant about gentle stretching and taking walk breaks on these runs. I’m also thrilled to report that I have OFFICIALLY SIGNED UP for the Macleay River Marathon 2011 on June 12th. Only 66 days to go!
Apr. 3: 33.08km
Apr. 5: 5.10km
Apr. 8: 5.51km
Total this week: 43.69km
Total in 2011: 344.2km (215.1mi)
To meet my goal of running 1100km in 2011, I should be at 296km. Wow. I’m up to nearly 50km of cushion. I don’t necessarily want to revise the goal upwards yet though, as I’m sure my mileage will drop off after the marathon. I’m definitely thinking Bay Run, City 2 Surf, and Sydney Running Festival as my winter/spring goals, so that will keep me training. But I know from last year that a cushion can disappear pretty quickly, especially if you get sick… *KNOCK ON WOOD*