One of my New Year’s resolutions was to be more charitable. The Snook and I are incredibly lucky: we both have good jobs; we’re paying off our mortgage; we save more than we spend. We should do more to help out those less fortunate. Here’s a list of causes that I’ve supported in the past few months in case you’d like to join me:
Jump Rope for Heart – This is a yearly event that my little brother Joey participates in to raise money for the American Heart Association. I’m really proud of him. Last year he was the 2nd highest fundraiser in his whole school!
Disco Red Cross Appeal – This page was set up by my friend Lara, who felt powerless in the wake of the Queensland floods, Christchurch earthquake, and Japanese tsunamis. She’s asking folks to make a small sacrifice and donate the money to the Red Cross. Me, I gave up some of the cash I would’ve spent on a box of red wine. (Me = classy.)
Slow Runners Club Run Chicago – Diabetes Action Team
– I’ve been enjoying the Slow Runners Club podcast for a while now. Eddie recently lost his Mom to diabetes and the two guys are running the Chicago Marathon in her memory. They’re also raising funds for diabetes research. As an added thank-you for donations, the guys are offering entry into their private online coaching program. I’m looking forward to it!
Australian Red Cross Blood Service – I’ve been meaning to start donating blood again. I haven’t actually donated in ten years (mostly because that time was so traumatic). I saw a poster recently advertising the big new fancy Donor Centre at Town Hall though, so I decided to go for it. I rang them up yesterday and made an appointment. And this morning, I went in and did it!
As recommended, I was well-hydrated and fed. The new Centre is great, all gleaming and high-tech. Since it was my first donation in Australia, I had to go through all the paperwork and interviews and such. They also checked my blood pressure and haemoglobin levels. (139 g/L – perfect! I am the Hermione of Haemoglobin.) Then I got led off to a big comfy robotic chair in front of a large TV, where a nice lady prepped me. I was worried they wouldn’t hit a vein easily – I’ve given other nurses trouble – but she got it on the first go. I was hooked up for about 7 minutes, and according to the little machine they got 480mL from me. Afterwards I got to rest in the chair to make sure I wouldn’t faint, and then it was off to the refreshments area for some food and drink. Overall it was my best donation experience yet, and I will definitely be repeating it. (I’m tempted to donate plasma, since they said that was better for those who train a lot since it doesn’t deplete your red blood cells.) Big thumbs up!
2 responses to “Charity”
Good on you! I prefer platelets, i don’t like the saline solution they pump back in when you dontate plasma. But either is good as they are are in short supply of both. and the nurses there are so nice 🙂
Good for you – reminds me that I have to get back on the blood donation list. Not sure if I am fully recovered yet, but soon!