Author: Kris

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    @steven_noble Now if you correctly use “begging the question,” I will award you One Million Awesomeness Points.

    I feel like it’s time for a new profile pic…

    @laimelde Darn you. Now I really want/need a massage too.

    I’m off to the MetaFilter meetup to meet @mathowie and the rest of the gang!

    @redambition I learned of it in the newsletter tonight too! Had no idea. Hate to say it, but I feared something like that would happen…

    @redambition I still use it; just do “Pay in Store.” 🙂

  • Ultra Marathon

    Wow. The guy from The Oatmeal ran an ultra marathon last week. I am worried that I don’t seem as scared by his description as I probably should be.

  • Rooibos

    Ooh. The Colette patterns blog is doing a Rooibos sewalong. Very tempted, but I’m not sure that style would look good on me. What do you guys think? Suitable for tall and curvy, or not so good?

  • Crochet Afghan

    Another crochet afghan to make. Uh oh. I might be developing an obsession here.

  • Photo Post

    I feel like it’s time for a new profile pic…

    I feel like it's time for a new profile pic...

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Pricing flights to Melbourne at the end of the month. About $200 return (Friday-Monday). Is there a trick to getting them any cheaper?

    @toastman Ha, that’s when we’re going! Just visiting @eileenDCoE and getting out of Sydney for a change. 🙂

    @that_alison @bellsknits You’ll have to pry my big TV from my cold, dead, beer-drinkin’ hands…

    @bellsknits @that_alison Mr Darcy on a big TV is nice, but hot Viking vampires are even better.

    @mrs_sockvictim Rodd and I both have viral infection. Doc is making us cancel Bay Run this weekend. 🙁

    @goshling Ooh, that might be fun! We’re staying with a fellow MeFite too: @eileenDCoE!

    @mathowie And yet some of our stupid local politicians want to rip them up because they leave less room for cars. *sigh*

    @eileenDCoE @goshling I fear the Melbourne meetup may pale in comparison to tomorrow’s in Sydney… WITH MATHOWIE. (I know, right?!)

    @hexsteph I use “Toodledo” (work, home, iPhone) and I love it.

    @witty_knitter Say hi to Cate for us! 🙂

    Feels like Spring today! It prompted me to bare my pale legs in a skirt… and 10 min later a nutter has started chatting to me on the bus.

  • Shared today on Facebook

    Feels like Spring today! It prompted me to bare my pale legs in a skirt… and 10 min later a nutter has started chatting to me on the bus.

  • Shared today on Google Reader

    • An unabashed love letter to Ginny Weasley – This reminded me of all the ways that Ginny kicks ass. Yes, she’s a bit boring in the movies, but I can forgive that given how awesome she is in the books.
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    Zumbo’s shop in Balmain ransacked! I hope the baddies didn’t get to Calico & Ivy, @randomknits!

    Well, crap. Saw the doctor. Viral infection. No exercising for the rest of the week, and NO BAY RUN. Anybody want my entry? @redambition?

    @witty_knitter @HoneyBeeMine @drkknits @randomknits We got out census form tonight!

    @kunaal84 Single brown dude travelling without luggage? You’re lucky if a “random security screening” was all you got! 🙂

    @rajsingh2505 @kunaal84 He should’ve taken his Victim Card! 😛