Well, crap. Saw the doctor. Viral infection. No exercising for the rest of the week, and NO BAY RUN on Sunday. Anybody want my entry? The Snook’s out as well…
Author: Kris
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@kateslemay There are heaps! You could come to the next Inner City Guild meeting, for a start. 🙂 http://bit.ly/9TIEtH
@kateslemay There’s also a regular Thurs night group at Morris & Sons in the CBD from 5-7. They usually end up at the bar afterwards. 🙂
According to the Snook, there is a PENGUIN swimming in the harbour outside Yahoo. I made him go take a photo: http://bit.ly/of1rzs
@kateslemay Some of the Guild groups out in the burbs are. But not IC group. Very welcoming & fun! I used to run it, now @knitterjp does. 🙂
Jamie’s 30Min Meals #25: Spring Lamb, Veggie Platter, Mint Sauce, Chianti Gravy, and Chocolate Fondue! http://bit.ly/pawPK6 Best lamb EVER.
RT @brown_note: The Ultimate Productivity Blog http://bit.ly/qCOjrI // Heh. I think @kunaal84 needs to send that around at work tomorrow…
Day 6 of swollen glands and feeling like crap. FINE, UNIVERSE. Doctor appointment made. Happy now?
@randomknits I vote for rocking. You look like a movie star!
Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #25: Spring Lamb
This is our 25th cooking/blogging experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals. Wow! We’re officially HALFWAY through the book! For this week’s recipe, we chose “Spring Lamb, Vegetable Platter, Mint Sauce, Chianti Gravy, and Chocolate Fondue.” We chose it because we had the episode recorded, and because it’s one of “lower” carb recipes left in the book. (Normally we cook our Jamie meal on Saturday – which is our Diet Cheat Day – but this weekend was the Snook’s birthday, so that took precedence.) I was on chef duty for this one, and the Snook clocked me at 38:42. I was really annoyed with that time, given that I was flat out the whole time and this meal had a LOT of components. There’s no way you could do it in 30 minutes! Time concerns aside, it was a very tasty meal and quite possibly the best lamb I’ve ever cooked.
Substitutions: The recipe says to remove the fat from your rack of lamb, but we left it on. (Jamie leaves it on the show, and the photos in the book clearly show it on too. Besides, it’s tastier that way!) We couldn’t find “lamb neck fillet,” so instead we bought a whole lamb neck and the Snook actually filleted it himself. We couldn’t get cherry tomatoes on the vine, so loose had to do. I used full sized potatoes and carrots (chopped up) rather than the baby ones specified, and I used broccoli instead of runner beans. Other than that, everything was as written in the recipe.
Quick verdict: The lamb cutlets were cooked beautifully. Seriously, cutting that thing apart and seeing the blushing pink was like Masterchef, baby! And they were so, so good. The lamb neck… not so much. It was cooked fine, but it was just chewy and tough. (Is a “lamb neck fillet” something else in the U.K.??) The gravy was very good, if a bit chunky. (I used a bit too much bacon.) I think this mint sauce may have actually converted me to liking it! I’m just not convinced of the need for both sauce AND gravy. (The Snook tells me “it’s traditional.”) The veg was a nice accompaniment. The fondue looked to be a disaster at first but then came good after a bit more work. It’s another one of his “afterthought” desserts though, and I’m not sure I’d bother with it next time. We both rated the overall meal a 9.5/10… if you don’t count the neck fillet. It’s a filling and warm late-winter/early-spring family dinner!
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- Give me examples of gamesmanship in sport or other arenas – Give me examples | Ask MetaFilter – Kunaal – this discussion is totally for you.
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Very happy I managed to DM @drkknits about GoT rather than tweet it to the world, because it’s MASSIVE SPOILERS, and IT BLEW MY MIND.
Havoc on the Hill: http://havoconthehill.com/
I won a special spoon prize! I am the Hermione of Coffee Slurping!! http://twitpic.com/5ymzp8
@MetalheadMick Have you read the book? Slightly different framing story with an EVEN CREEPIER ending…
@redambition Interesting! We want to check it out. Sounds like best to wait a few more weeks?
@jenwburn I have a client meeting tomorrow too. (Maybe it’s with you?) So I too know the pain & awkwardness of dressing like a “grown-up.”
@venks79 Better. Less tired, anyway! I’ll make it through those client meetings tomorrow if it kills me. 🙂
Congrats to everybody who ran the M7 Marathon today, especially to @andheruns and @JayDubRunning who both finished in under 4 hours!
Jamie’s Spring Lamb – best lamb I’ve ever cooked! Veggie platter and sauces good too. But it took me 38:42… 🙁 http://twitpic.com/5yrx5b
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First run since Tues. Still not 100%, but feeling better. .
I won a special spoon prize! I am the Hermione of Coffee Slurping!!
Purple Ripple Afghan
Purple Ripple Afghan
This is like my second major crocheted thing. So I guess I’m not really allowed to tease crocheters anymore, am I? ONE OF YOU, HOOKERS; ONE OF YOU. Anyhoo, last year at the Wollongong knitting retreat I won a packet of purple Patons Shadow Tweed at the trivia contest. I had no idea what to do with it. Then I saw my friend Devvy post a photo of her ripple afghan on Ravelry. Gorgeous! I have fond memories of family members with crochet afghans on the back of their sofas when I was growing up. It was time for me to make an afghan.I used the same pattern that Devvy did: Easy Ripple Afghan. I can’t remember how many stitches I chained to start; it was probably the 178 suggested in the pattern. I used a 6mm crochet hook. I started it last winter, set it aside in the warmer months, and then picked it up again this year when it got cold. It was nice to sit under it while I was working on it! I used up all ten balls in the packet. I wish it were a bit bigger, but the wool is discontinued and I can’t seem to find anymore. (It’s colour 6909 if anybody has any they’re willing to part with!) As it is, it’s a nice lap rug for one person and it fits perfectly on the back of the couch. A very satisfying little project… (Continue on for more photos.)
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Trying to decide if I feel well enough to bike over to the park to celebrate @venks79’s son’s birthday…
@mrs_sockvictim @witty_knitter @knitterjp @sixandahalfst Not me. Still not feeling 100%. Have fun tho. 🙂
Steak tartare – just like on Masterchef! Yummy. http://twitpic.com/5y7evh
@innerwestlive Empire Strikes Back. Duh! 🙂
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Kristine Howard was with Rodd Snook at Fortune Of War Hotel.