Author: Kris

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    Beautiful day! 2:1 R/W in my new Mizunos.

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    RT @GGDSydney: New #ggdsydney video! Watch it here: @Illdrinn @sundress @AlienCroons @kesabeth @alphageekgirl @we …

    In case that tweet was cryptic, there is a Geek Girl Sydney video and I am in it: (Thanks @GGDSydney!)

    @kunaal84 @drkknits Riiiiiiiight. Tell the fine people why you haven’t tweeted in the past 4 days. HMMMM? A BIT BUSY, WERE YOU? 🙂

    @laimelde Whoa! I was tempted too… but that’s way more than I thought I’d pay for a ticket! Too much. I’ll stick to QI on telly. 🙂

    Well, THAT’s a nicer domain name!

    @Kat13v Email addresses aren’t working yet; hopefully tomorrow…

    Knitting Leyburn heels for the THIRD time. Curse my perfectionism!

    RT @MXYZ_: Major lulz! RT @madebyfifty: Here you go Apple-haters… RT @Digeratii This pretty much sums it all up.

    Professor Death – such a handsome kitty.

    Stupid cats kept me up from 2:30-3:30am. I feel like a rage-filled zombie. This is another reason why we don’t have children.

    Decided to dress all grown-up today so @venks79 has some professional-looking backup during his big presentation!

    @jasony I don’t think you’re allowed to drag kids out from under the dining room table and then throw them in the bathroom though, right? 🙁

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    Is there anything better than unwrapping a new pair of running shoes?

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    Professor Death – such a handsome kitty.

    Professor Death - such a handsome kitty.

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    @drkknits Book 3, and I am LOVING Grandma Tyrrell. I hope she’s not screwing Sansa over…

    @drkknits Whoops. Meant to DM that. Luckily @kunaal84 is still on his booty call and hopefully not reading spoilerish tweets…

    @AusVintageGrrl Sorry! Meant to DM but slipped. Will be good, I promise. 🙂

    @snarkyboojum Hey, there you are! Welcome again to Chippo. Did you end up running yesterday? (What happened to your DM page?)

    Jamie’s 30Min Meal #24: Sea Bass & Pancetta w/ Sweet Potato Mash, Asian Greens, Lemon Ginger Drink, & Berry Ice Cream.

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    Fantastic 2:1 R/W with Snook. His longest ever & my longest since marathon!

    Thumbnail isn’t showing. (I hate you, Facebook.)

  • Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #24: Sea Bass & Crispy Pancetta

    This is our 24th cooking/blogging experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals. We didn’t think our oven would be repaired in time for this one, so I flipped through all the remaining recipes in the book looking for the ones that didn’t need an oven. There aren’t many! We chose “Sea Bass & Crispy Pancetta, Sweet Potato Mash, Asian Greens, 1-Minute Berry Ice Cream, and Sparkling Lemon Ginger Drink.” (As it turns out, the repair guy fixed the oven a few hours before dinner, but we were already committed to this recipe.) We’d previously watched this episode, and we re-watched a bit of it online to refresh our memories. The Snook was on chef duty for this one, and he managed it in a very fast 30:56!

    Sea Bass & Crispy Pancetta

    Substitutions: Well, it ain’t sea bass. European sea bass just isn’t available here. We turned to the fish markets for advice on a suitable substitute. They recommend Murray cod, which upon further googling appears to be critically endangered. NOPE! We instead went with some beautiful John Dory fillets. Instead of asparagus, we used some pak choy we got in last week’s veggie box. Other than that, everything else was as written in the recipe.

    Quick verdict: In many ways, this is the prototypical “30 Minute Meal” recipe. We actually had to check to make sure we hadn’t made it already! It feels very, very familiar. It’s got all Jamie’s favourite ingredients (lemon, fennel seeds, chilli, sesame oil, etc); the technique of microwaving the veg for the mash; piling up everything on a tray; the random extra bits he has you make to use up time, like the drink; and the thrown-together dessert at the end. However, even though this one didn’t feel very exciting, it was certainly a pretty good meal. I found the mash a little sweet at first (some extra salt helped with that), but the Asian greens were perfect. The fish was okay, maybe a little boring. (Our skin didn’t get crispy enough and stuck to the pan a bit.) The lemon drink was very good, but seriously, who bothers with things like that? And the dessert was nice, if a bit expected. Overall I gave this one an 8; the Snook gave it an 8.5. Nothing really wrong with it, but nothing really amazing either. And he managed it in 30:56! Can’t argue with that.


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    The oven man is here! I’m not going to let him leave til he makes sure the new door glass won’t explode again.

    @sixandahalfst Holy crap. What a nutbar!