@ArtWebEtsy I did some research. Import is banned, but you can still make them domestically in US as long as they don’t have lungs in them.
@drkknits RULE BREAKER! HERETIC! You do realise this is all being noted in your permanent record, yes?
@richbuggy I thought the problem was that you can’t get flood insurance on a flood plan. Like you can’t get hurricane insurance in Florida.
@drkknits @knitdra But… but… if you don’t follow the rules, how will people know you’re Hermione and the best? I HAVE TO KEEP SCORE.
@richbuggy My point is simply that you made it sound like they were too lazy or cheap to get insurance. When that’s not the case at all.
@richbuggy I’m just depressed at level of selfishness I see in SMH comments. No mateship & generosity, just “Fuck off I got mine.”
@richbuggy Sometimes Australians demonstrate that they’re a lot more like Americans than they like to think they are.
I’ve deleted like 6 snarky tweets so far about the flood levy. Suffice it to say I am happy to pay my share in dealing with this disaster.
@SallyPompom Exactly. The level of selfishness I’m seeing (on Twitter, SMH comments, etc) is pretty disheartening though.
@TimBags Assume you also support my right to not pay taxes for schools? I don’t have kids; why should I subsidise somebody else’s disaster?
@TimBags And you got the first homeowners grant, right? π
Random observation: those bitching about the flood levy were all born here. All the immigrants I know are happy to pay it. Curious.
@Lauren_lolly_ Uh, I’m one of those immigrants. My standard of life in the US was pretty damn high.
Didn’t mean to imply those born Aussie all object to the levy. Many of you are awesome. Just odd that so many of the whingers are…
@venks79 I disagree. If a person can’t afford an extra $250/yr to help, they probably weren’t going to be donating anyway.
@sharre Damn socialist! π Next you’ll want to feed the starving and house the poor!
@aimee_maree Totally agree with you there.
@venks79 But lots of stuff is enforced. Medicare. Firemen. Schools. The military. Why should massive natural disaster recovery be optional?
@gilmae Maybe it’s a trait that takes time to develop. Like a proper ocker accent? π
@gilmae So whinging about the whingers… makes me a fair dinkum Aussie?! Awesome!
@venks79 But where do you think the government gets its money? It doesn’t, like, sell things on eBay. It comes from taxes (i.e. levies)!
I’m not arguing that the gov (both state & fed) shouldn’t have some sort of emergency fund. So should my bldg strata. But shit happens.
CRAP! Secret free Amanda Palmer gig at Carriageworks Saturday night… and I’ll be at Opera in the Domain. GAHHHHHH.
@drkknits It’s like I’m an actual, well-rounded adult or something! I need to watch some Gossip Girl to make up for it. π
Bickford’s Lemon, Lime & Bitters Cordial + fizzy water from Soda Stream = hot summer night bliss.
@Ezzles 8’s are lucky numbers, I think. We put in $188 when we went to one a few years ago, I seem to recall. (They put on a huge feast!)
@SallyPompom @kat13v Why the hell was I CCed on that email? I got bored 1/2way through and started skimming. I wrote shorter essays in uni!
Good article on SMH about flood levy: http://bit.ly/eUX5d1. Highly recommend you use calculator before whinging: http://bit.ly/fg1zJM
@Lauren_lolly_ No idea. Because it didn’t destroy as much infrastructure? That’s what the levy is for.