Author: Kris

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    By this time tomorrow, I will hopefully be relaxing after my Half-Marathon and waiting for the Snook to finish his 9K!

    4:30am. Actually got a decentish sleep! I’m rarin’ to go! Bring on the race!

    Started my race day by falling down the steps! I’m okay tho. Only bruised my ego. 🙂

    6am. Waiting at the end of the bathroom queue. Nearly ready to go!

  • RunningBlog: Week 37

    I left this a bit late… because the big race is tomorrow! I’m just about ready to go. Thankfully my cold passed within a week without too much drama, and it never moved into my lungs. (I credit several “hot whiskeys” from a sympathetic barman last weekend.) I’ve had massages each of the last two weeks in an attempt to deal with my continuing lower back and hip soreness. I even went to yoga on Monday! (Surprisingly brutal.) Last weekend I went for an experimental 3:1 run/walk and found that my pace was close to 7:00/km, which is way faster than I was doing at 5:1. So that’s the plan for the race now, a 3:1 run/walk for as long as I can sustain it. I need to average 7:49/km for the first 16km or risk getting pulled from the course. Shouldn’t be too hard. If anything, I’m probably a bit undertrained for this – my LSR topped out at around 15K – but that’s pretty much a reaction to how overtrained I was before the May race. My new Asics have been helping with my foot, and I plan on slathering on some anti-inflammatories before the start. My biggest worry is this back pain, and whether I’ve done enough to keep it at bay. We’ll see in less than 12 hours!

    Sept. 12: 7.67km
    Sept. 14: 5.4km
    Sept. 17: 5.45km
    Total this week: 18.52km (11.5mi)
    Total in 2010: 692.72km (433mi)

    To meet my goal of running 1000km in 2010, I should be at 711.5km. That leaves me about 19km behind schedule. I should make a big dent in that this week though. 🙂

  • Blast from the past…

    You like me because I’m a scoundrel…
    Oh WOW! Today Distracted by Star Wars embedded the song “Scoundrel” by the band Twin Sister. They were a Star Wars-inspired funk band (yes, really) that performed SW-related song in full costume. (Their original name was “Boba Fett,” but Lucas made them change it.) I actually saw them perform in the summer of 1996! I went to the Cornerstone Festival (which, as you might imagine, is a story unto itself) and they were performing in one of the smaller side tents. I remember them playing “Scoundrel,” a song “about racism” called “We Don’t Serve Their Kind Here,” a song about Cloud City, etc. I loved them so much I bought their cassette and played the heck out of it for a year. Then I lost it. A few years later, I actually found it at an ex-boyfriend’s place and the bastard had TAPED OVER IT. So I haven’t heard any of these songs in over eleven years…

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    RT @Opheli8: Happy Birthday @DDsD!

    A friend is looking for a solid web dev for a job w/ eco-related company. Willing to pay! Anybody got a recommendation?

    Knitters: anybody know what the hours are for the button shop in the Rocks?

    Listening to Matthew Sweet still makes me feel like I’m 18.

    RT @Opheli8: @web_goddess We can see you! // I made a pig!

    RT @Opheli8: OMG Party Pig! Made by @web_goddess:

    @pwadams I think my friend would prefer to work with someone local. But thanks!

    @DianneKing Yeah, in Nurses Walk. Not as big as Newtown’s, but still good. Pricey. No website though!

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    Girard is cleaning his desk – it’s his last day! – and unearthing specs from the dawn of time! (I didn’t write that one, for the record.)

    Listening to Matthew Sweet still makes me feel like I’m 18.

    Girard and the Party Pig I made him. It’s like 1962 in here!

    The pig looks even cooler wearing the office sunglasses.

    Awww. They say it does nothing. 🙁

  • The REAL Hero

    The TIE Fighter Pilot Who Saved the Day in Star Wars. That’s totally right! That guy cost them the whole Empire!

  • Suckling Pig – LET’S WIN THIS!

    Hey suckling pig fans! GYF is having a contest for a $100 voucher to the restaurant! LET’S WIN THIS!

  • Neopolitan Pizza

    Snookums: We can make Neopolitan pizza without hacking our oven!

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    Seen in Newtown the other day: Someone’s been reading his Roald Dahl!

    @AusVintageGrrl Oooh, pretty!

    Bus stop at Broadway. Note the number of buses NOT at the stop. Bastards!