Entries are now open for the Sydney Half-Marathon! Get in before March 19th to get the early bird rate.
Author: Kris
Sydney Stripped Bare
“Sydney stripped bare for Opera House shoot.” And we were there! I’ll do a full write-up later today.
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@misswired Ha! Did you shout and wave? I tend to zone out a bit.
Catching a bus to Circular Quay. Meeting some friends for knitting-related celebration, of a sort.
Attempt #1 of Magic Pudding knitting resulted in a damn mobius strip. ARGH!
Taxi booked for 4am. This is ludicrous.
So this is what 3.30am looks like. Gettin’ naked at the Opera House better be worth it.
@Warlach Oh good. So my late taxi isn’t going to be an issue.
Taxi ordered for 4am. Still sitting at home waiting at 4.10. Grrrrr.
Finally on our way. Turns out taxi was taking OTHER crazy people to Opera House to get naked. #spencertunick
Finally found end of queue, which was practically at the MCA. Must be couple thousand people! Moving fast tho. #spencertunick
Waiting in a queue of 1000s to get kit off in public. Am heartened by large range of ages, body shapes. I love you, Sydney! #spencertunick
I just unlocked the “School Night” badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/dlHibg
What the Opera House looks like at 5am. http://twitpic.com/15vpan
Waiting for sunrise at the Opera House so we can get naked. Luckily Snook brought windmill cookies. #spencertunick
Little cool & windy, but thankfully not raining. Oddly, it’s the naked walk from Bot. Gardens to Opera House I find scariest. #spencertunick
@ozgamer YOU’RE JOKING. Holy crap. Well, tell me if you spot our bums in the crowd!!
RT @ozgamer: @web_goddess have live webcam stream going http://bit.ly/9wIXqJ
It’s nearly time! They’re giving us instructions. No jewelry, no hats, nothing. Eep! #spencertunick
@ozgamer Rodd says MAKE A WORD. He’s bored and needs distraction. 🙂
Final speech time! Signing off for PUBLIC NUDITY. #spencertunick
Spencer says we have 500 more people than Melbourne. The crowd goes wild! #spencertunick
Dear Interwebs: I have seen James Mathison naked. HUZZAH! #spencertunick
That was scary, inspiring, silly, fun, chaotic, cold, liberating, annoying, and giggle-inducing. (Snook says: Serious art!) #spencertunick
RT @janeslingo: Starting the week naked with 4000 other nudies on the opera house steps certainly ticks a ‘things to do before you die’ …
Mathison had a mike 10 feet from us talking to a camera, so who knows. We may end up on the 7PM Project tonight! #spencertunick
@stufromoz Just between you and me and the Twitterverse, it definitely was. 🙂
@venks79 He was NUUUUUDE! 😀
@venks79 Two friends! Rodd was there too. 🙂
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Just completed a 8.06 km run with RunKeeper
So this is what 3.30am looks like. Gettin’ naked at the Opera House better be worth it.
Waiting in a queue of 1000s to get kit off in public. Am heartened by large range of ages, body shapes. I love you, Sydney! #spencertunick
Baby Boom
Huge congratulations to Major (aka Nathan) and Steph AND Kenya (aka Nick) and Sally on the arrival of their firstborns this week! I will have plenty of babies to knit for this winter…
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@sharre Oh no! Hope I didn’t give you that feeling. You did a great job. I always stress out too, but somehow things always work out!
RT @Kat13v: The Innercity group represent at kinokuniya http://yfrog.com/336a6ulj
I have never crafted anything that looks so much like a merkin as this.
@redambition Oh, pics are coming. Later today. I just have to finish embroidering a six-pack on a sock monkey. 🙂
The 8th Annual W-G Oscar Contest is open… and a Sparkly Emo Vampire Sockmonkey Playset could be yours! http://bit.ly/bWOKgA
Spent the whole afternoon embroidering sockmonkey six-packs, sewing merkin-like fur wigs, and staging elaborate photo shoots in the garden.
@sharre They made me laugh and laugh when I was writing the blog post. 🙂
I hear Mardi Gras fireworks…
@Opheli8 I wonder why. What browser? Couple other people managed to submit…
@drkknits @randomknits @knitabulous Did you send cheques? Will send mine tomorrow. I want cub lair too!!
@chenchaoyi0333 Welcome to twitter! 🙂
@imdominating Bring on the Twi-hards! I want one of you to win. 🙂
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Spent the whole afternoon embroidering sockmonkey six-packs, sewing merkin-like fur wigs, and staging elaborate photo shoots in the garden.
Photoshop Rain Tutorial
Photoshop Rain Tutorial. In case you need to, you know, make a sockmonkey werewolf look like he’s in a downpour.
The Snook hates talking on the phone…
web-goddess Oscar Contest 2010
The Eighth Annual web-goddess Oscar Contest has finally begun. I’ve added a thirteenth category this year – Best Original Score – to lessen the odds of a tie. As usual, the number of dead people in the obituary montage will be the tiebreaker. And what do you get if you win? Why, it’s a Sparkly Emo Vampire Sockmonkey Playset! (And don’t worry, Twilight-haters. I’ve catered for you too.)
The contest will end the minute the ceremony begins!
Once upon a time, a girl named Bella fell in love with a very sparkly emo vampire named Edward. He gave her piggy-back rides in the trees.
But her long-haired Native American friend Jacob didn’t approve and warned her away.
Bella didn’t care. She and Edward frolicked in a meadow and he sparkled.
Jacob cut his hair and took to wearing cutoffs and hanging out in the woods in the rain.
But what’s this? It’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer! With a flash, she whips out Mr. Pointy and reduces Emo Edward to dust.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen. If you win this year’s Oscar Contest, all this melodrama could be yours. You get three different sock monkeys: Edward, Bella/Buffy, and Jacob.
Edward comes with foofy auburn hair, amber eyes, embroidered six-pack, and a black peacoat. Oh, and he sparkles in the sun.
Bella has long brown hair, a grey coat, and a treasured copy of “Wuthering Heights” (with hand-embroidered cover). She’s also very clumsy and lacks any sort of personality. (Just like the books!)
Jacob (in his younger incarnation) has long brown hair, an embroidered six-pack, and a pair of denim cut-offs. He’s friendly and nice and has no idea he has a latent werewolf gene.
Later, Jacob gets ripped, cuts his hair, finds out he’s a werewolf, and kinda turns into a jerk. See? You can tell he’s scowling. Poor kid has no idea Renesmee is in his future.
With a quick change of wig and the addition of a crucifix, Bella becomes Buffy! Buffy has long blonde hair and a wooden stake. She’s also quick with a pun and has very little patience with mopey emo vampires.
The four wigs (Bella’s long, Buffy’s long, Jacob’s long, and Jacob’s short) all have a strip of Velcro on the underside that corresponds to a strip on the appropriate monkey’s head. You can mix and match to your heart’s content!
So whether you’re a Twi-hard or a Twi-hater, there’s something for everyone in the Sparkly Emo Vampire Playset!