Note to Snook: When we finally redo our bathroom, I think we should seriously consider putting in rocket taps. (Or maybe I’ve just been watching too much Grand Designs…)
Author: Kris
Frank Lloyd Wright
Official Frank Lloyd Wright buildings as Lego kits! Neat.
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RT @misswired: squee! an outdoor ice rink in the sydney CBD this winter. <- Yay! I can pretend it’s Chicago!
I just learned that my Dad and his wife are moving house… from a post on Facebook. SERIOUSLY, PEOPLE, THE PHONES HERE WORK.
@brodrigu So from the news I’m hearing I gather you’re NOT coming out to Sydney anytime soon. Too bad… 🙁
Sneak peek of Morris & Sons Melbourne:
@twelveeyes Saturday also = sale start, you know… 🙂
@twelveeyes Not til I launch the new site Saturday morning. But for now: 10-5 M-T, 10-8 F, 10-4 Sat & 12-5 Sun. That’s what I have anyway.
@AusVintageGrrl Stanza = great ebook reader. Bejeweled & Fuzzle to cure boredom. Cha-Ching makes tracking spending fun. #iPhone
@AusVintageGrrl Also: Runkeeper is awesome for tracking runs. WhiteNoise Lite is good for insomnia. #iPhone
@sharre I do, especially when combined with a training plan. Also I think @runkeeper is planning to implement challenges on the site soon…
I feel like such a dork always being the last person here, but I get so much more done when everybody else is gone. 🙂
Supposed to go for a run and it’s pissing down rain. Hm.
Just completed a 5.53 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper
@shanea Bad news for Barry and the Apples! 🙁
Devil’s Avocado
Everything Tracy Jordan Said in Season 3 of 30 ROCK. I love this. I think I need to start a new blog and call it “Devil’s Avocado.” (Link courtesy of Max.)
Outdoor Ice Rink
Oh, wow! This winter the Sydney CBD will be getting an outdoor ice rink for the first time in 50 years. FUN! I’ll be able to pretend I’m in Chicago! (Except it won’t be nearly so cold.)
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RT @Opheli8: @web_goddess: Two monitors ARE better than one. <- Hey, @venks79! HINT, HINT.
@runkeeper Ooh, loving the (leaked?!) logo and design. Well done!
Awesome: Finding out Snook has w-g saved in feed reader. Awesomer: Having him ask for comment counts to be added to RSS feed.
Just sent off a 52-page spec. Phew. My brain feels wrung out.
Arguing feminism w/ Russian guy at work. He honestly doesn’t think men can raise kids as well as women & shouldn’t be encouraged to try. o_O
RT @CerealBoy: June 17 Girl Geek Dinner @ Yahoo!7 RSVP: <- Sounds similar to last month’s Y7 Open Session. Will skip it.
@twelveeyes I just feel sad, really. He must not have had good male relationships growing up. I know some GREAT Dads, both irl & online.
@redambition HAHAHA. Exactly.
Stressful week again, both work and extracurricular activities. My stomach is starting to churn. I wonder if my doc would give me a tranq…
Shaking. Large shouting crazy man at bus stop just shoved me in the chest. Out of nowhere. Managed to escape on to bus. WTF??
@venks79 I wondered if I should have warned you. Sorry. I can’t believe a driver let him on a bus!
@henrytapia My co-worker left not after me and saw him get on a bus. No idea where he is now.
I’m OK. I was listening to iPod & not paying attention & he shoved me. @venks79 saw him get on a bus to city not long after. Little shaken.
Made this for dinner: . ZOMG. SO GOOD. BACON. CREAM CHEESE. CHEDDAR. PASTA. (And some cauliflower.)
I woke up last night when the sound of actual pouring rain drowned out the virtual pouring rain from my iPhone white noise application.
I’m going to the physio. It suddenly occurred to me that having an aching back every day for 3 weeks is probably a bad sign.
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I woke up last night when the sound of actual pouring rain drowned out the virtual pouring rain from my iPhone white noise application.
Geek Girl Dinner June
The next Geek Girl Dinner has been announced, and this one’s at Yahoo. In fact, it sounds a lot like the Open Session we attended there last month. I think I’ll skip this one.