Author: Kris

  • RunningBlog

    What a difference a week makes!

    This week: 28.8km (18mi)
    Last week: 12.5km (7.8mi)

    I know that’s a ridiculously large jump, more than double. But 18 miles is what I should be up to on my plan, and the only reason the past few weeks were less was because of my stupid cold. The big difference was my long run, which I finally managed to get in yesterday. I did nearly 14km at a very slow pace (4:00 jogging, 1:00 walking) around Centennial Park. My legs, back, and lungs all felt better than I expected. Afterwards I chugged a chocolate milk while sitting in a cold bath. Bliss…

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    Just completed a 13.82 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Just finished long slow run. Shins and lungs felt pretty good! Now, ice bath. If you hear shrieking, that’s me.

    For this show application, need to list my 6 dream dinner guests. Suggestions?

    Heh. Would it be totally sucking up to the ABC to say Denton?

    @RTRR It’s just a hypothetical, presumably to find out whether you’d pick interesting people or ones that sound impressive.

    TV show application sent. It’s like the Australian Idol for Complete Nerds. (I HOPE I GET IN!)

    I went with Stephen Fry, Steve Jobs, Tetsuya Wakuda, Carrie Fisher, Terese Rein, & Queen Margrethe of Denmark. (She’s a crafter, you know!)

    Watching Sex Pistols documentary. This music is making me knit faster than EVER BEFORE.

    @DDsD Which is amusing, because every waitress I’ve had there in the past six months has been – I’m pretty sure – an actual Russian.

    @imdominating Hahahahaha…. Almost makes me sorry I un-followed him after getting bored of all the pot-smoking and masturbation.

    Another day, another chapter in the Ongoing Battle Between Kris and the Evil 480 Bus Drivers.

    I support the @yarnharlot. #yarnharlot

  • More Tea Party pics

    More pictures of yesterday’s tea party are up at JP’s site

  • Mean people suck

    Jeez. The knitting world has been rocked by this post over at Yarn Harlot, where she details the harrassment she’s been dealing with from a reader/commenter who doesn’t like her. If you’re visible on the Internet and you dare to utter an opinion on anything, there is someone who will take extreme offense to it. (And haven’t I learned that lesson recently…) I checked out the Twitter stream of the woman harrassing YH, and man, what a nutbar. A nutbar wrapped in pro-American jingoism, too. Depressing.

  • Shuffle-Fail

    What’s your Shuffle-Fail song? For me it’s “Accelerate” by R.E.M. It’s not so much that shuffle fails for me though, but rather that I mistakenly think I’m in the middle of a podcast. (Link courtesy of John.)

  • Knitters’ Tea Party

    Me and FeeKnitters’ Tea Party
    Today I met up with 11 other frocked-up knitters for high tea at Harrogate Teas in Pyrmont. The event was organised by the amazing Jody as a special outing for the regulars at the Thursday night Morris & Sons SnB group. Over the course of three hours, we enjoyed numerous sandwiches, scones with jam and clotted cream, petit fours and chocolates, and lots of tea. (There were also several bottles of bubbly being passed around, but this sickie took a pass.) It was lovely! We knitted and chatted and tweeted and amused the heck out of some American tourists. There were also many photos taken…

    Lee and sandwiches   Sandwiches and tea   Miss Fee
    JP and scones   Scones   Sue taking a photo
    Lyn, Barbara, and Ness   Sweets   Ness

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Lovely lazy sunshiney Saturday. Off to Farmers Market, then out to high tea with local knitters. Oh, and I dropped a pound. WIN!

    Cornucopia. Now to Broadway for meat & cat litter, and that’s the shopping sorted.

    All frocked up and heading for high tea with my knitters. How civilized!

    Lee, with sandwiches.

    It’s @mrs_sockvictim enjoying her tea and knitting.

    JP (@knitterjp) and scones…

    I’ve been told I did it backwards. @RoseRed says “JAM, THEN CREAM!”

    We’re into our third hour… and the sweets. Oh, the sweets!

    Stuffed! @mrs_sockvictim and I are on a sugar high…

    SONOFA…. Just realized that I’ve spent the last four hours knitting a Mobius strip. GAH.

    Mobius strip frogged and reknit while watching Richard Burton skeeve it up in “Anne of a Thousand Days.” Tea party photos are on the blog!

    @realtimshady Awwww, congratulations! Here’s to many more. 🙂

    Just saw that ABC is going to have a public speaking competition/reality show starting soon. HA! I am seriously considering applying.

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    @witty_knitter Do you get to induct me into the sisterhood by whacking me on the shoulders with an umbrella? Because you should. 🙂

    @donttrythis So that makes the second time you’ve been portrayed by a girl! Remember me?

    @zephyrama ACK! Yeah, the Snook had to learn that one too.

    @witty_knitter I feel empowered! Next time I’ll throw the can back at them. (I should add that Rodd PRETENDED NOT TO KNOW ME as I did it.)

    Going for a run…

    Just completed a 4.92 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @carbolicious We have a Cold Stone knockoff in Sydney now. It’s called Cold Rock Ice Creamery. That cracks me up. Haven’t gone there yet.

    Correction: Snook didn’t need to learn not to machine wash hand knits. He needed to learn to check my laundry pile for hand knits.

    @carbolicious Wow, I like the bits dripping off the edges.

    I saw that the “knit graffiti” at Mrs Macquarie’s Chair is gone after 1 week. Stolen? Cleaned up by staff? Completely rotted in the rain?

  • Jill and Kevin’s Big Day

    Jill and Kevin’s Big Day. It’s a YouTube video of the opening of a wedding, and it’s just the best thing I’ve seen on the Internet in ages. Made me smile and laugh and dance, and tear up a little bit. All weddings should involve goofy dancing! (Link courtesy of Eileen.)