Author: Kris

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    I just approved my new business cards with “Business Analyst” as the job title. I got tingles from the official-ness of it all.

    I don’t even know what this is, but if laughing at RPattz macros is wrong, I don’t wanna be right:

  • Geekbooks

    Geekbooks – little notebooks made from vintage computer punch cards and green dot matrix paper. WANT. Do I need to know anything about bookbinding to make something like that?

  • Make Way for Ducklings

    I had no idea that Boston’s “Make Way for Ducklings” sculpture was such a target for theft and vandalism.

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    How a couple interns stole moon rocks from NASA: Hilarious part: they put them on the bed and DID IT amongst them.

    @alyshajane Oh fun, so we get to meet up! I have found a replacement non-threatening guy to fill Snook’s spot. Hello @kunaal84! 🙂

    This office is so cold my fingers are numb. Hm… Steaming hot coffee at Toby’s is sounding like the goer for lunch.

    RT @twelveeyes: RT @mikestuchbery Trespass Magazine’s coverage of the NRL sex fiasco is pretty good reading, folks ->

    Only in marketing-land is “easypay” an actual adjective.

    @venks79 Just because something isn’t illegal doesn’t mean it’s not immoral. He’s not a good role model for his sport.

    Had a beautiful chicken salad down at Toby’s, where all the beautiful people come to get coffee, on a beautiful autumn Sydney day.

    @misswired It’s definitely busted. I can’t see this tweet in my timeline either.

    Tweets finally starting to come through again. Wonder if the ones that fell through the cracks will appear?

    @glittertrash Ooh, yes! Actually, I think Michael of Sustainable House has introduced native hive in Chippo. Will ask him on Saturday.

    @glittertrash Actually, I found email describing installing the hive. It came from here:

    Waiting for North Ryde train at Chatswood. On our way to Geek Girl Dinner! #ggds

    So far Microsoft = party pies and Coke in plastic cups. Like a bad kids’ party. And wifi won’t access Twitter. FAIL! #ggds

    Lego Challenge: build a tower with a twist of diversity. #ggds

    Just realized I’m sitting next to @kcarruthers! #ggds


    Kunaal and our Lego battlescene (which somehow represents challenges facing women in tech). #ggds

    Beer and nibblies in the Xbox lounge. Okay, Bill, this is definitely a step in the right direction.. #ggds

    Kunaal and I rippin’ it up on Guitar Hero. #ggds

    @venks79 I have no preference. That’s just what Tweetie uses. (I switched from TwitterFon recently.) I didn’t even notice at first!

    Home from Geek Girl Dinner. Much fun with @alyshajane, @corinoco, @kcarruthers, @acatinatree, @MrAndyPuppy, and of course my boy @kunaal84.

    @corinoco I noticed, but I also noticed several of them were American. I figured there might be cultural norms at play too.

    @alyshajane AHHHHHH, I SO want to go there! Please post photos.

    Just completed a 5.16 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    Just got tix to see the fabulous Liza Minelli in November at the Ent. Center. Now I just need the appropriate “Lucille 2” shirt to wear!

    Fun. Listening to male co-workers demand pics from #ggds. Not of the Lego. Of the “hot geek babes.” I wish I could say they’re being ironic.

    Woo! Discovered how to ignore conversation notifications in Skype. Thanks @kunaal84…

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    Had a beautiful chicken salad down at Toby’s, where all the beautiful people come to get coffee, on a beautiful autumn Sydney day.

    Playing Guitar Hero in the Xbox lounge at Microsoft’s Australian headquarters. I brought K-boy as my guest for Geek Girl Dinner ( There was a shocking lack of free beer at first, but that was soon rectified. Oh, and we built stuff with Lego.

  • Gayest thing ever.

    The absolute best summation of the Matthew Johns controversy I’ve read all week: “It’s the gayest thing ever.” And she means it in the literal sense. HA!

  • Kriek! Nooo!

    Please, oh please don’t let them tax the Kriek even more! It’s my favorite import.

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    @AusVintageGrrl North Sydney. I emailed you details…

    Oh man, WHAT? You mean PACEY auditioned for Captain Kirk? JJ Abrams, YOU’RE KILLING ME.

    @wookie_man Just normal free-to-air SBS eps on Saturday night. We’re too cheap for Foxtel! This weekend it’s replaced by Eurovision though.

    @imdominating Yep! Brief review on the blog. I liked it a lot. 🙂

    Poll: Would you hyphenate “logged in”? (Usage: “Logged in users should…”) If so, how would you hyphenate “non logged in”?

    @alyshajane Not sure. DM me your email and I’ll forward the lady’s number. A couple people are signed up, I think!

    @wookie_man @sharre What if it were in a heading? Like “Home Page – Logged In Users” and “Home Page – Non Logged In Users”?

    Ooh, the Snook has probably the best answer: Screw “logged in” and use “authenticated”. 🙂

    @wookie_man I need to differentiate between the two cases.

    @Steffi_83 I’m there! I’ll get Snooky to come after work if he can.

    Anybody know what time the festivities are starting for Geek Girl Sydney tomorrow? May not make it by 6 depending on traffic… @damana?

    @damana Yeah, but there will be mingle time at the beginning, right? Just wondering how early to leave work and catch a train…

    SO COLD. Wishing I had an electric blanket tonight. The Snook and his crazy heat-generating metabolism will have to do.

    Just discovered notorious Rav troll has changed her name. You know who. RougeTricot. I recognised it by her “writing” style.

    @sharre I had the exact same thought. And then she started blaming the victim and referencing Twilight and that killed it.

    Snook is bailing on me for Geek Girl Dinner. Any guys want to go? Otherwise will release our spots to waiting list…

    @misswired He’s got a killer deadline he’s working on. 🙁

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    Me blowing past a couple guys with strollers in the Mother’s Day Classic 8K.

  • Mother’s Day Classic Photos

    The photographs from the Mother’s Day Classic are now up! How hardcore am I? And check me out blowing past a couple guys pushing strollers.

    Mother's Day Classic 2009

    I’ve grabbed the others from the site as well.Mother's Day Classic 2009   Mother's Day Classic 2009

    Mother's Day Classic 2009

    Mother's Day Classic 2009