Author: Kris

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    Stress is getting to me. I really need a massage. Perhaps I should’ve accepted the offer from that weird lady at knitting last night…

    Snook suggested mussels & beer at Belgian Bier Cafe, and I could’ve wept with joy. Just what I need after stressful week… On my way now!

    @venks79 Unfortunately it ain’t over yet! Sucks when your hobbies become 2nd jobs and kill your weekends.

    Upstairs at the Belgian Bier Cafe. Mussels and beer have been consumed.

    Finally finished my presentation for Knitters’ Guild tomorrow… at 1am. Yikes. My contacts are probably glued to my eyeballs.

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    @sharre DUDE! I almost wore mine today but switched to black at the last minute. But I had the same impulse.

    @SSSYD Um… I DON’T DRIVE. Since when does that benefit “all” Sydneysiders?

    The @SSSYD secret is revealed: using Twitter to track parking inspectors. I don’t drive & people who park illegally annoy me. Unfollow!

    Awesome link of the day: – an explanation of why Jughead’s head looks like a crown. This is what the Internet is for.

    I’ve got use cases coming out of my ears.

    I am suddenly very conscious of my involuntary habit of dancing at my desk while listening to music.

    I defy any one of you to listen to “Islands in the Stream” without dancing. IT’S KENNY AND DOLLY, DAMMIT!

    @damana Asking for a friend: Would bringing a baby to GGD be a problem? I told her I didn’t see any kids last time…

    I want to head to Stitch and Bitch but I’m slowly being strangled by the Spec that Ate East Sydney.

    @SSSYD Mostly it was the promise that this would help all Sydneysiders, when really it only helps ones who A) drive and B) illegally park.

    Good enough for now. I’m going to knitting.

    @redambition That sucks. *hugs* Only one more day til the weekend… You can make itl.

    @Steffi_83 Ha! From Spudds last night? How was it??

    @Steffi_83 Sure! Mondays are better because they give me more time to recover, but I can do Tue in a pinch…

    @Steffi_83 Sure thing… I’ll be there!

    Just completed a 5.39 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    My superpower: Ability to peg a small black cat w/ balled up pair of socks from across the room IN THE DARK WITHOUT MY GLASSES ON. Fear me!

    I ran for the first time in a week today, 5k at an easy pace. I feel fantastic! I’m optimistic about a good finish in the 8k race on Sunday.

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    I ran for the first time in a week today, 5k at an easy pace. I feel fantastic! I’m optimistic about a good finish in the 8k race on Sunday.

  • Busy

    It seems like every six months I always have one weekend that is just a nightmare of stress and deadlines. Right now I’m juggling a Spec of Monstrous Proportions at work; normal preparations for the Knitters Guild meeting on Saturday; special preparations for the Internet Workshop I’m leading at the Guild meeting on Saturday; the Mother’s Day Classic 8K Run on Sunday morning; and the second installment of the sock class I’m teaching Sunday afternoon. Crazy, huh? So don’t be surprised if blogging is light for a couple days…

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    @sharre Yay! That’s one more interesting thing to look at in the cases next year, then. 🙂

    Got reply from STA Buses APOLOGISING for behaviour of 461 & 480 drivers @ Broadway. The one I bitched about “will be spoken to.” GOW FTW!

    @steven_noble Oh, I can post it if you want. I just got fed up with them stopping 1/2way up the block so people can’t get on in the AM.

    @sharre I have been entertaining the idea of knitting a vampire doll and sprinkling glitter on its face for some time. Hm. Possibilities…

    Everybody wants to hear the bus story, so here it is: @steven_noble, feel free to crosspost to LIC if you want.

    It’s not nearly as scandalous as you might have guessed.

    @twelveeyes I had to google that. I’m only a new Top Gear watcher, so I don’t know all the Stig lore!

    Currently drinking my first Mountain Dew in… god… YEARS. My taste buds are saying “no” but my brain is saying OHHHH YEAHHHHHH.

    @ScottRhodie Guru?

    @Timmay83 You should’ve run down by the domain. You would’ve seen me and @venks79 trying to kick footballs and failing miserably. 🙂

    When I listen to James, suddenly I’m a 20-year-old uni student in London all over again…

    @Timmay83 It was our class with Spudds. On nice days we go to have a kickaround in the field by the Art Gallery. But we should practice!

    @twelveeyes Ahhh, we recorded that one but haven’t watched it yet! I’ll watch with an eye towards a possible knit creation. 🙂

    I can confirm that donkey basketball ( was big-time entertainment growing up in Indiana. Probably still is.

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    Currently drinking my first Mountain Dew in… god… YEARS. My taste buds are saying “no” but my brain is saying OHHHH YEAHHHHHH.

    When I listen to James, suddenly I’m a 20-year-old uni student in London all over again…

  • Donkey Basketball

    Donkey basketball was definitely something that happened in my part of Indiana. Probably still does!

  • Nerrrrrrd.

    Me: Whatcha installin’?
    Snook:Mono.” It’s a Dot Net implementation.
    Me: Oh wow. How come? Doin’ some work?
    Snook: No… I need it to run a particular application.
    Me: *suspicious* What’s the application?
    Snook: *resigned* It tells me which hat to put on my Paladin.
    Snook: Seriously.

  • Geek Girl Dinner Sydney – May

    Geek Girl Dinner in Mordor
    The next Geek Girl Dinner Sydney has been announced… and it’s at MICROSOFT. I used to drive by that office every day on my way out to North Ryde when I worked at Epson. It’s this big curving black monolithic THING, like the eye of Sauron. And next Thursday, yours truly and the Snook will walk in and hope the eye of Bill does not turn upon us. (Snookums is all excited about the Lego and the Xbox.) Stay tuned to see if I can tweet from my iPhone without it blowing up in my hand…

  • Grumpy Old Woman Pants

    Putting on my Grumpy Old Woman Pants
    Last week I headed to the Broadway bus stop as normal to catch a bus to work. I work in East Sydney, so ideally I catch a 461, 480, or 483, all of which turn at Park Street and drop me off 100m from my office. (You’ll recall that I was bummed when the route was initially cancelled and then overjoyed when it started up again.) The problem is that the Broadway bus stop gets really congested in the mornings, and sometimes you’ve got a good half a dozen full buses pulled up along the block while empty ones sail past. That’s fine with the ones going to Circular Quay; there’s another George Street bus practically every minute. But the Domain buses are few and far between. If you miss one, you can be waiting 15 minutes for the next to arrive. So yeah, there was an incident with a 480 driver that pushed me over the edge, and I sent in an official complaint:

    I am absolutely fed up with drivers on the 461 and 480 routes not stopping for passengers at Broadway. I understand that it is a busy stop in the mornings, and it wouldn’t be a problem if I were just going down George Street. There are loads of George Street buses. However, there aren’t a lot if buses that go to the Domain, which is where I’m going. If I miss one, I have to wait some time for the next to come along.

    This morning, I was waiting at the stop when a 480 pulled up in a crowd of other buses. It was 5 buses from the stop. I started (literally) running to it and could see a few people getting off. In the 10 seconds it took me to get to the bus, the driver SHUT THE DOORS and started to pull out. I waved my arms and yelled ‘Whoa! Whoa!” Yje driver looked directly at me and continued to pull into traffic and drive away. No one waiting at the Broadway stop had any chance of getting on. I understand that drivers don’t want to stop for a long time, but pulling up half a block from the actual stop for just 10 seconds – on a route that doesn’t run very often – is completely unacceptable. How is anyone at Broadway meant to get on?

    Interestingly, the exact same thing happened 10 minutes later with a 461 bus. Luckily this time I was still halfway up the block where he stopped, so I managed to get on. But no one waiting at the actual stop would’ve made it.

    Apologies for the typos; I was furiously tapping it out on the iPhone the whole way to work. I got an immediate canned response saying they’d look into it, and I wasn’t hopeful that anything would come of it. However, today I got an actual response back!

    Kristine, I can only apologise for what happened to you at Broadway. Again notices will be posted telling drivers to head to the top of the bus stop. The driver on this occasion has been identified and will be spoken to.

    It’s not much, but I’ll take it.