Sweeeeet. I’ve been waiting ages for this movie (called the best hard science fiction film in recent years) to come out in Australia. I’ve just found out that Popcorn Taxi are hosting the first Australian screening along with a live satellite Q&A with the director afterwards. We’re booked in. If you’re thinking of going, DON’T READ ANYTHING ABOUT THE MOVIE. I’ve probably read too much already, but I’m making sure the Snook goes in unspoiled. You should too.
Author: Kris
Happy birthday, Lyn!
Happy birthday to Lyn! I’m sorry I had to miss the party on Sunday. Hopefully I’ll be well enough to celebrate with her at SnB Thursday night…
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Given that I may or may not have whooping cough, I probably shouldn’t go to #SMCSYD tonight. Anybody want my ticket?
Literary Euphemisms for… you know. I have to say, “Touring Rosings with Mr. Collins” made me laugh and laugh.
Blood drawn to test for whoopage. Now rushing to Broadway to pick up my new specs. Head hurts.
I got new glasses. They look a lot like my old glasses. But these ones are brown and not black.
@steven_noble Sorry I missed it! But trust me, me hacking up a lung during your talk would’ve been distracting.
@CleaSan It might be Australian/British? This USian has never heard of it.
@gilmae Oooh, thanks for the link! I’m in the draw. 🙂
New Glasses
Check out DeskCam. I got new specs! My optometrist emailed last week to let me know I was due for a checkup, so the Snook and I both went in on Saturday. Turns out my left eye (which was already worse than my right) has gotten a little fuzzier yet. I’m not quite into double digits yet, but it’s getting there. So the Snook and I picked out some super cute, oval-shaped, thin wire frames. Dr. Alex took one look at them and shook his head. “You can’t do it,” he said. “Not with the thickness of your lenses.” CRAP. Curse my myopia! So we had to pick out big ol’ plastic frames. I decided that if I was going to be nerd, then I might as well go full on Poindexter. These look very similar to my old ones; just that they’re brown instead of black and the lenses are slightly larger. Right now I’m in that weird phase where the ground is shifting and I feel like I’m gonna puke.
Dog Eating
Ask a Korean finally tackles THE big question: “What’s with Koreans eating dog?” The first part is factual. (Warning: dog lovers and vegetarians may find a couple of the images distressing.) The second part is more of a rant against PETA types in general. Like I said… I warned ya.
Wiggling Their Toes at the Shoe Giants
“Wiggling Their Toes at the Shoe Giants.” An article about the current interest in barefoot running…
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@knitabulous Thanks, a bit better. Fever is down. Going to the doctor shortly…
Doctor wants to test for whooping cough. I have to pull out of the race. If you’ve seen me in the past week and you feel sick, get checked!
@devvyleys Yikes! Glad you made it. Will be emailing you shortly… 🙂
The Snook has ruined me for milk chocolate. RUINED.
I built another very quick-and-dirty website on the weekend:
Should’ve mentioned that @devvyleys gets full credit for designing the site. 🙂
@DianneKing I like the swirly bits. Unconventional for yarn store but pretty, yes!
Faxed my withdrawal form for the Half-Marathon. My first DNS. That sucks.
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Doctor says it could be whooping cough. I’m getting tested tomorrow. If you’ve been around me in the past week and you feel sick at all, please see your GP. (Especially if you have kids!)
Back from the doctor.
Back from the doctor. Dr. Rowan suspects whooping cough. I have to get a swab and a blood test tomorrow. Even if I have it, there’s not really anything they can do for me besides the antibiotics I’m already taking. (“You know they call it the ‘Hundred Day Cough,’” she said.) However, if I test positive and you’ve been around me in the past week and you’re feeling sick, get to your doctor. (Especially if you have kids.) And if the test comes back negative, well then I just have a particularly nasty post-viral cough… which they still can’t do anything for.
Oh, and I brought up the race, which is three weeks from today. “You’re not doing it,” she said flatly. “You knew I was going to say that, right? Even if you did do it, you know you wouldn’t do very well.” (She was blunt but honest.) So I’m faxing in my withdrawal form tomorrow. That kinda sucks. But to be honest it’s also a little bit of a relief. Now I don’t have to worry about how I’m going to get healthy and somehow prepare to run 20km in twenty days. She also gave me a prescription for a big-ass bottle of codeine so at least I’ll be able to sleep this week.
I’ll keep you all posted as to the diagnosis.
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Miserable. Coughed all day. Bailed on SSK because I felt like a leper. Running a fever now. Swine flu? Pneumonia? THIS SUCKS.
Today I went from wondering whether this sickness would hurt my time in the half-marathon… to wondering if I’ll be running it at all.
Hot toddy making *everything* better…
@knitabulous Yeah, thinking that too. Will do.