Author: Kris

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    Playing around with Balsamiq Mockups to layout some website changes. Anybody ever used it?

    Dokic breaks back! Holy crap, it’s 4-4 in the third set!!

    Awww, that was a good finish. Dokic was good, but Safina was better. Loved her adorable interview after. And I COVET her smokin’ arms.

    Trying out Toodledo for iPhone to do list. I liked RTM, but $40/yr is too much to pay. Any other suggestions?

  • MeFi Projects

    The Batman and Joker sock monkeys have been posted to MeFi Projects.

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    Just saw Norman Lindsay “Magic Pudding” exhibit @ State Library. Now beer & pork pies at Lord Nelson. Happy Australia Day!

    Woo! Saw that big CBD Supre is closing. Global financial crisis = not ALL bad! Now just have to clear streets of evil scourge of leggings.

    Realization: I’ve spent way more time practicing to play fake guitar than I ever did to play real trumpet.

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    Just saw Norman Lindsay “Magic Pudding” exhibit @ State Library. Now beer & pork pies at Lord Nelson. Happy Australia Day!

    Woo! Saw that big CBD Supre is closing. Global financial crisis = not ALL bad! Now just have to clear streets of evil scourge of leggings.

    Realization: I’ve spent way more time practicing to play fake guitar than I ever did to play real trumpet.

  • State Library of NSW

    Me and the Pudd'n OwnersWe went on a special expotition this morning to the State Library of New South Wales to see the “Magic Pudding” exhibit that’s currently running. For those who haven’t heard of it – and I certainly hadn’t before I moved here – The Magic Pudding is an Australian children’s book written in 1917 about a magical pudding (i.e. baked dessert) that you can eat and eat but it never gets smaller. Oh, and he walks and talks and prefers to be called “Albert.” He’s owned by a sailor, a penguin, and a koala, and the band of pudd’n owners are beset by pudd’n thieves at every turn. It’s all food and fighting, which apparently the author (famous artist Norman Lindsay) thought were the things children most related to. (He’s right.) Snookums read it to me over several nights, and I was laughing my head off the whole time. Anyway, the exhibit is of several large watercolours that Lindsay painted of the characters. There are also a few puppets that were created for a famous travelling show based on the book, and a video presentation about the puppets runs on repeat. I absolutely loved the paintings, and I bought a few postcards and a poster. (I have grand plans to knit the pudd’n someday.) We also checked out the other exhibit that’s running: “Bondi Jitterbug”. It’s a collection of photos taken on Bondi Beach in the 30’s and 40’s. The neatest ones are of “beachobatics,” super fit gymnasts and athletes doing acrobatic poses on the beach. Those of you who like stunning B&W photos of half-naked muscle men (*cough* Andrew!) would do well to get over there before it closes.

    Me striking a pose  A knitting acrobat!

    I love pictures you stick your head through. They had a special setup for this one, where you could hit a button to take a digital photo and email it to yourself. The other one is of a knitter(!) balancing a guy on her back on the beach.

  • Happy’s WIFE!

    Attention Hoosiers: Happy the Hobo’s WIFE left me a comment. How awesome is THAT?!

  • Oscar Contest 2009

    Oscar Contest 2009The Seventh Annual Web-Goddess Oscar Contest is now open for entry! This year’s winner will take home a one-of-a-kind pair of Batman and Joker sock monkeys. (I almost didn’t do them because it seemed too obvious, but I also couldn’t resist the opportunity to make my second Heath Ledger tribute monkey.) I have to say, the Joker monkey is without a doubt the most DISTURBING sock creation of all time. He features hand-hooked green hair, a green waistcoat, a purple duster, and a SUPER-CREEPY painted face. Batman features a utility belt, a bat crest on his chest, his bat mask/helmet, and a long black cape. You could act out your favorite scenes from the movie… or slash fiction! Up to you.

    Please note: You’re welcome to save these photos to your server as long as you give me credit and link back to the contest. If I catch you hot-linking them or claiming credit, I reserve the right to replace them with something nasty (or poke you in the eye with a pencil).

    Anyway, I know this picture is enormous, but it’s also my favorite and I can’t resist. I’ve got this set as my desktop wallpaper right now.

    Batman and Joker Sock Monkeys

    Here’s the full view so you can see how long their arms/legs/tails are.

    Batman and Joker Sock Monkeys

    Joker close-up. Note: I used acrylic paint on his face, so you can’t ever get him wet or it’ll come off.

    Joker Sock Monkey

    Batman close-up. I’m really proud of how his mask turned out.

    Batman Sock Monkey

    Batman interrogates the Joker.

    Batman and Joker Sock Monkeys

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    Looking upon my latest sock monkey creation. What monster have I wrought? He is magnificent. The world trembles in anticipation.

    GO DOKIC! Only two points to go…

    Fantastic! Dokic wins! And awww, she’s crying. That ankle roll made me wince. Advance… Australia… Faiiiiiiiirrrrrrr!

    w-g oscar contest 2009 is LIVE! You could win Batman & Joker sock monkeys. (Srsly.) Enter here:

  • Shared today on Facebook

    Looking upon my latest sock monkey creation. What monster have I wrought? He is magnificent. The world trembles in anticipation.

    GO DOKIC! Only two points to go…

    Fantastic! Dokic wins! And awww, she’s crying. That ankle roll made me wince. Advance… Australia… Faiiiiiiiirrrrrrr!

    My 7th annual Oscar Contest is now open for entry! This year’s prize is a pair of Batman and Joker sock monkeys. (Creepiest. Monkey. Ever.) You can enter here:

    w-g oscar contest 2009 is LIVE! You could win Batman & Joker sock monkeys. (Srsly.) Enter here:

  • Lazy Day.

    Today: Internet, coffee, America’s Next Top Model, sock monkeys, Guitar Hero, lunch, sock monkeys, shower, laundry, sock monkeys, dinner, tennis (DOKIC!), sock monkeys. Sensing a theme?