Author: Kris

  • Whoopie Pies

    I can confirm that Whoopie Pies are a staple in northeastern Indiana. My Mom used to make both the chocolate and the pumpkin versions. I believe that the local version used the Crisco-and-sugar mixture in the middle.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    is fighting with Visio. Is there a nicer, faster way to create a simple, non-fugly flowchart?

    @brodrigu I’m stuck on a PC at work, unfortunately.

    has lost more tweets today. And here I was just yesterday recommending Twitter as a serious business opportunity. Grrrr.

    @mrs_sockvictim Be strong! You’re the Mama Monkey and the monkeys always win. They won’t even remember it in 2 days, promise.

    has invented a Time Team drinking game: Drink whenever Geophysics is useless. I am not responsible if this game gives you alcohol poisoning.

    feels like a zombie. Two nights of cats keeping us up. Snookums says: I told you so. Caffeine not helping. Urge to kill rising…

    @gadgetgirl70 Sure, if by “going out” you mean “hanging with my beeyotches at knitting group.”

    thought knitting podcasts might soothe rage & headache. Didn’t realize David Reidy put effing BAGPIPE SOLO in middle of an episode. GAHH.

    @michaelengle Undo it! Put tip of left needle into stitch BELOW the purl, slide it off right needle, & pull free. Then purl again looser. 🙂

  • Shared today on Facebook

    is fighting with Visio. Is there a nicer, faster way to create a simple, non-fugly flowchart?

    has lost more tweets today. And here I was just yesterday recommending Twitter as a serious business opportunity. Grrrr.

    has invented a Time Team drinking game: Drink whenever Geophysics is useless. I am not responsible if this game gives you alcohol poisoning.

    feels like a zombie. Two nights of cats keeping us up. Snookums says: I told you so. Caffeine not helping. Urge to kill rising…

    thought knitting podcasts might soothe rage & headache. Didn’t realize David Reidy put effing BAGPIPE SOLO in middle of an episode. GAHH.

  • xkcd

    Today’s xkcd. I have had that exact dream SO MANY TIMES. Actually, the one I’ve been having more frequently lately is of moving into my college dorm room, and freaking out about how I was going to hide the cat from the R.A.

  • Come visit!

    Roger Ebert thinks you should visit another country. I couldn’t agree more. Coincidentally, there’s currently a price war going on between Qantas, Delta, and Virgin over the LA-Sydney route, with flights as low as $598 return. THAT’S NUTS.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @randomknits Hm. Seinfeld covered it back in the 90’s, didn’t they?

    @kellymcmahon Dan’s on your team? How cool! Make sure you tell him how I always used to beat you at Jeopardy because you read too slow. 🙂

    is staring at the dog who wants a cupcake. HE’S CREEPING ME OUT. MAKE IT STOP!

    @kellymcmahon Twitter’s tiny character limit absolves me from your pedantry! (Nerd.)

    feels kinda sick, probably from breathing hair dye fumes for 24 hrs. OTOH, running hands through hair turns fingernails pink. Free manicure!

    is wondering if anyone else is losing Tweets today? One minute they’re there (and even sync to FB), and the next they’re gone.

  • Shared today on Facebook

    is staring at the dog who wants a cupcake. HE’S CREEPING ME OUT. MAKE IT STOP!

    feels kinda sick, probably from breathing hair dye fumes for 24 hrs. OTOH, running hands through hair turns fingernails pink. Free manicure!

    is wondering if anyone else is losing Tweets today? One minute they’re there (and even sync to FB), and the next they’re gone.

  • Birthday Skirt

    Birthday Skirt

    I was coming home from SSK on Saturday afternoon when I spotted a market stall on King Street selling handmade skirts. They were so cute! I hemmed and hawed while I waited for my bus. I knew that Fiona and Tia and Bex would tell me that an A-line skirt is the simplest thing in the world to sew, and that I should just make one myself. And they’d be right. But these were right there, and the various embellishments she had on them were so gorgeous. I decided to go for it. I modelled it for Snookums at home and he pronounced it very pretty. The applique circles are made from old kimono fabric! I wore it to tea on Sunday and felt very special indeed. The seller emailed me today (we exchanged details) to say that she’s working on getting a website set up. More details when I have them!