Author: Kris

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    I think I have cat scratch fever. Well, I have a scratch from a cat, and it’s REALLY FRICKIN’ HOT, anyway.

    Band on the Run is a really weird song. It’s like the soundtrack to a movie that never got made.

    @crumpet Yay! Well done. Are you going to send a link to Neil or shall I? 🙂

    Holed up in the bedroom. (Snookums has rigged up the A/C.) We may hide in here for the next 2 days if it doesn’t cool off…

    @gadgetgirl70 It finally hit the city, thank heavens. Rain would be nice too.

    Overheard at Kmart just now: “There is just one box fan left in the store! Repeat, we only have one box fan left. Only 19.95!” Gougers.

    @henrytapia SMS func is only compelling if you’re in country they support. (Not Oz.)

    @henrytapia Yep & iPhone % is good here. Still most Aussies only tweet from PCs, which decreases fun & usefulness. Might as well be blogging

    @gadgetgirl70 I was going for emo.

    So we’re all agreed? The entire country will be watching the Dokic match tonight, right?

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    Holed up in the bedroom. (Snookums has rigged up the A/C.) We may hide in here for the next 2 days if it doesn’t cool off…

    Overheard at Kmart just now: “There is just one box fan left in the store! Repeat, we only have one box fan left. Only 19.95!” Gougers.

    has a plan that involves BSG Season 1, the couch, and some sock monkeys.

    So we’re all agreed? The entire country will be watching the Dokic match tonight, right?

  • Emoji

    I just enabled emoji for my iPhone! Emoji are tiny icons that are commonly used in messaging on Japanese mobile phones. There are hundreds of them, with everything from smilies to animals to anthropomorphic poo. (Yes, seriously.)

  • Best of Booty 2008

    I saw on Jenny‘s Facebook that the new Best of Booty 2008 is out. W00t! I love these mash-ups.

    Me: Awesome! Best of Booty is out! (whips out iPhone)
    Snook: You’re putting it on your To Do list? “Today: Procure booty.”
    Me: “Procure booty” sounds like it should be on a pirate’s To Do list.
    Snook: Well, it’s always on my daily list…

  • Soooo cute.

    Dr. Amy just started grooming Petey’s ears. My heart may explode from the kitty-cuteness.

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    @postcardjunkie I just don’t see how I can integrate it into my other activities. I already do too much other stuff.

    @postcardjunkie And the short character length is very annoying for those of us who prefer to type in actual proper sentences! 🙂

    Goooood club sandwich.

    Nathan Bracken has glorious hair.

    Big cat just started grooming little cat’s ears. My heart may explode.

    Recovering. Beer. Heat. Not good.

    Woohoo! Just enabled emoji for iPhone.

    ARGH. Rumor is that last 3 Twilight books are out of print in Oz. Didn’t know so just sold all 4 of mine for $20 to coworker. STUPID!

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    is celebrating the start of the 3 day weekend with beer, tennis, cricket, and Guitar Hero

    Woohoo! New one is out. (Thanks for the tip, Jenny.) I friggin’ LOVE these albums. Every year they’re on frequent rotation on my running playlist.

  • Twitter

    Okay, I’ve got a free Twitter client on my phone and I’m trying it out again. (I signed up a few years ago and never really got into it.) I’m only following three people right now. Any of you on there? I’m “web_goddess” if you want to add me.

    Edited to add: Durrrr. I just realized that several of you are already following me – though I have no idea why! – so I just added you.