Today’s xkcd. I have had that exact dream SO MANY TIMES. Actually, the one I’ve been having more frequently lately is of moving into my college dorm room, and freaking out about how I was going to hide the cat from the R.A.
Author: Kris
Come visit!
Roger Ebert thinks you should visit another country. I couldn’t agree more. Coincidentally, there’s currently a price war going on between Qantas, Delta, and Virgin over the LA-Sydney route, with flights as low as $598 return. THAT’S NUTS.
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@randomknits Hm. Seinfeld covered it back in the 90’s, didn’t they?
@kellymcmahon Dan’s on your team? How cool! Make sure you tell him how I always used to beat you at Jeopardy because you read too slow. 🙂
is staring at the dog who wants a cupcake. HE’S CREEPING ME OUT. MAKE IT STOP!
@kellymcmahon Twitter’s tiny character limit absolves me from your pedantry! (Nerd.)
feels kinda sick, probably from breathing hair dye fumes for 24 hrs. OTOH, running hands through hair turns fingernails pink. Free manicure!
is wondering if anyone else is losing Tweets today? One minute they’re there (and even sync to FB), and the next they’re gone.
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is staring at the dog who wants a cupcake. HE’S CREEPING ME OUT. MAKE IT STOP!
feels kinda sick, probably from breathing hair dye fumes for 24 hrs. OTOH, running hands through hair turns fingernails pink. Free manicure!
is wondering if anyone else is losing Tweets today? One minute they’re there (and even sync to FB), and the next they’re gone.
Birthday Skirt
I was coming home from SSK on Saturday afternoon when I spotted a market stall on King Street selling handmade skirts. They were so cute! I hemmed and hawed while I waited for my bus. I knew that Fiona and Tia and Bex would tell me that an A-line skirt is the simplest thing in the world to sew, and that I should just make one myself. And they’d be right. But these were right there, and the various embellishments she had on them were so gorgeous. I decided to go for it. I modelled it for Snookums at home and he pronounced it very pretty. The applique circles are made from old kimono fabric! I wore it to tea on Sunday and felt very special indeed. The seller emailed me today (we exchanged details) to say that she’s working on getting a website set up. More details when I have them!
Sound Advice
The Sound Advice Project turns voice recording waveforms into bracelets. Hmm. I bet I could knit a waveform.
Ugh. I have a horrible feeling that the Snook and I may be amortals. We don’t, like, use Botox or anything, of course. But our natural lifestyle is probably closer to that of college students than I’d like to admit.
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is all purple and hot pink. I look like a freaking rock star! Total Jem and the Holograms.
is going to meet @mrs_sockvictim for lunch. I feel very glamorous!
@wefollow #knitting #sydney #running
@redambition Pics on Facebook now, will post on blog later tonight. 🙂
@kellymcmahon I use TwitterFon. What’s good about Tweetie?
surprised the cleaners at the house and had to flee to the café like the guilty liberal I am.
made an absolutely monstrous meatloaf for dinner. I managed to get three different animals in there! Feeling quite proud, actually.
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is all purple and hot pink. I look like a freaking rock star! Total Jem and the Holograms.
is going to meet @mrs_sockvictim for lunch. I feel very glamorous!
surprised the cleaners at the house and had to flee to the café like the guilty liberal I am.
made an absolutely monstrous meatloaf for dinner. I managed to get three different animals in there! Feeling quite proud, actually.
High Tea at The Victoria Room
I’d say our reaction to the Victoria Room was mixed. I like the idea of it far more than the execution. My first impression of the place was that it was very dark (just as Grab Your Fork noted), and together with the eclectic decor it really created a unique atmosphere. Unfortunately the place was absolutely HEAVING with people, 95% of whom seemed to be women at either Hen’s Nights or Baby Showers. (I’m not kidding. I could only see three guys in the whole place who weren’t working behind the bar.) It was quite noisy, and the tables really were crammed in together closely. We opted for the “Royal” Tea, which meant we started with a glass of champagne. Our tea and nibblies came not long after. The food was all very good, though you certainly don’t get very much! We did have to ask for milk to put in our tea though, which really is a shocking oversight in a place like that. Snookums was most disappointed in the place settings: it was just plain white stoneware, like something you’d get at IKEA. He thought he was taking me somewhere a bit more special. Still, I had my first cucumber sandwich and my first pot of Earl Grey, and I’m glad I did. We stumbled back out into the sunlight feeling that we’d had an “elegant sufficiency,” but that the whole experience was sorely lacking in romance and tradition.