An application has finally been lodged for the redevelopment of St. Barnabas Church on Broadway (which burned down three years ago), and all anybody wants to know is whether the signs will be back. I certainly hope so!
Author: Kris
Custom iPhone Ringtones
Neat! I managed to make a custom iPhone ringtone this morning, and now I feel pretty confident that I’m the only person in the world whose phone plays the bridge from “Flowers of Guatemala” when she gets a call.
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Wondering if the pleasure of meeting the Snook at the East Sydney for lunch outweighs the annoyance of going out into the sweltering heat.
Saying goodbye to Clare and Emily at the Royal. Has it really been a whole year? Bon voyage, ladies. You’ll be missed.
Gah. Website problem identified. Stupid host upgraded to mod_security 2 without warning. None of 1.x rules work anymore. STUPID!
@miftik Host just emailed to say they were reverting. Must have affected more sites than just mine!
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Wondering if the pleasure of meeting the Snook at the East Sydney for lunch outweighs the annoyance of going out into the sweltering heat.
Saying goodbye to Clare and Emily at the Royal. Has it really been a whole year? Bon voyage, ladies. You’ll be missed.
Gah. Website problem identified. Stupid host upgraded to mod_security 2 without warning. None of 1.x rules work anymore. STUPID!
is apparently channeled by ScarJo in “Scoop,” at least according to Em & Clare. Not yet sure if this is a good thing. No urges to sing Tom Waits covers… yet
Yeah, the whole “25 Random Things about Me” thing? We were doing that on the Internet (x 4!) SEVEN YEARS AGO. I dug up my old copy and gave it a quick update so y’all will quit tagging me with this business.
Softwear by Microsoft
I’m in total agreement with Gruber here: Softwear by Microsoft is COOL. I would totally wear that “Albuquerque” shirt.
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Playing around with Balsamiq Mockups to layout some website changes. Anybody ever used it?
@markvtc Thanks for the tip. Will check it out. Looks a lot cheaper than Axure, which is what I was using before
Dokic breaks back! Holy crap, it’s 4-4 in the third set!!
Awww, that was a good finish. Dokic was good, but Safina was better. Loved her adorable interview after. And I COVET her smokin’ arms.
Trying out Toodledo for iPhone to do list. I liked RTM, but $40/yr is too much to pay. Any other suggestions?
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Playing around with Balsamiq Mockups to layout some website changes. Anybody ever used it?
Dokic breaks back! Holy crap, it’s 4-4 in the third set!!
Awww, that was a good finish. Dokic was good, but Safina was better. Loved her adorable interview after. And I COVET her smokin’ arms.
Trying out Toodledo for iPhone to do list. I liked RTM, but $40/yr is too much to pay. Any other suggestions?
MeFi Projects
The Batman and Joker sock monkeys have been posted to MeFi Projects.
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Just saw Norman Lindsay “Magic Pudding” exhibit @ State Library. Now beer & pork pies at Lord Nelson. Happy Australia Day!
Woo! Saw that big CBD Supre is closing. Global financial crisis = not ALL bad! Now just have to clear streets of evil scourge of leggings.
Realization: I’ve spent way more time practicing to play fake guitar than I ever did to play real trumpet.
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Just saw Norman Lindsay “Magic Pudding” exhibit @ State Library. Now beer & pork pies at Lord Nelson. Happy Australia Day!
Woo! Saw that big CBD Supre is closing. Global financial crisis = not ALL bad! Now just have to clear streets of evil scourge of leggings.
Realization: I’ve spent way more time practicing to play fake guitar than I ever did to play real trumpet.