Just to keep you posted (and so people don’t keep asking me): Things are progressing on the job front. As you might guess, this company puts prospective hires through a pretty rigorous vetting process. So far I’ve cleared three hurdles and I’m still in the running. Hopefully I’ll have news next week!
Author: Kris
Real or Photoshop?
Is it real or Photoshop? I scored 6 out of 10, but I have an issue with one of the questions. (Link courtesy of Eileen.)See, I think the Oprah Winfrey question is problematic. I answered that it was Real, simply because I sorta remembered that that had been an actual cover. And it was an actual cover. But the picture of Oprah herself was Photoshopped. I don’t think the question is clear whether you’re judging that this was an actual TV Guide cover, or whether TV Guide was guilty of Photoshop. So really, I should have one more point.
Deathly Hollows Wrist Band
Deathly Hollows Wristband. Pretty neat! (Link courtesy of miftik.)
Tales from Retail Hell
By Popular Demand: More Tales from Retail Hell
Look, I like to help people. And I get that some people need a little hand-holding with their knitting. But jeez, it drives me up the wall when someone wastes fifteen minutes of my time simply because they cannot be BOTHERED reading the pattern that’s in front of them. They see something new, and they just immediately shut down without even following the instructions. I just had my second person in here in as many weeks trying to do short rows, and they both had the same problem: They’re functionally illiterate. I get that short rows are a little weird to get your head around, which is why most patterns (especially easier ones like Patons and Cleckheaton) spell out exactly what you have to do in excruciating detail. “Note: When turning, move yarn to front between needles, slip next stitch from left-hand needle to right-hand needle, move yarn to back between needles, slip stitch back from right-hand needle to left-hand needle.” Yeah, it’s wordy, but it’s all RIGHT THERE. You can give it a try. With this woman just now, I ended up having to stand over her shoulder and read it out to her while she did exactly what I said. “Oh, so that’s how you do it.” Yeah, you just DO EXACTLY WHAT IT SAYS. What’s so freaking difficult about that? Harrumph. -
A woman got hit by a bus at the corner of Druitt and Sussex last night. I crossed that intersection four times yesterday on my way to and from my interviews. I even went through during rush hour last night. I must’ve just missed it.
Christmas Robin Tea Cosy
Christmas Robin Tea Cosy
Number five is done, folks! This one took less than a day from start to finish. The pattern is free online and I think it’s just about the funniest thing I’ve ever knit. I used scraps of 8ply yarn (held double throughout) on 5.5mm needles. It fits a fairly small teapot, so you’d have to size up the pattern for a bigger pot. The eyes and beak are cut out of felt, and the white pupils are buttons. -
Thanks to everyone for their interview help yesterday. It went really well. I’m not at liberty to discuss it right now – as I’m sure you’ll understand! – but things are looking really good. Please keep your fingers crossed for me! -
Mmm, bacon.
Mmm, bacon-wrapped pancakes on a stick. I predict the Snook will be ALL OVER THIS. (Link courtesy of Bex, who apparently finds our American foods strange and exciting.)
Ultramarathon for Lupus
Lupus – it’s not just a joke on House
I occasionally get e-mails from people from my high school class, most of whom are just idly Googling and stumble across my site. They say “hey,” and I say “hey,” and that’s that. Not long ago though, I heard from someone I used to be good friends with: Holli Wallace.* Holli wanted to ask me a favor. She and her husband Brian have family and friends with lupus, so Brian is running a fifty-mile ultramarathon next month to raise money for the Lupus Foundation of America. (I can’t even begin to fathom how hard that would be. That’s SIX TIMES farther than my farthest run ever. Insane.) Brian’s set up a weblog to document his training and help raise awareness of the cause. Holli asked if I would mind throwing them a link… and duh, of course I will. In fact, I’ll be donating some cash as well. So if you need an excuse to do a good deed this month, go donate at Brian’s site, okay?* Incidentally, I have a great photo of Holli that I took on our 8th grade camping trip to Pokagon, where she’s lying on the beach and looking back upside-down at me. I always thought it would make a great album cover. Man, I should find that and e-mail it to her…
Christmas Tea Cosy
Christmas Tea Cosy
This is officially Number Four, folks! This pattern is actually called “Delphie” (no idea why) and it’s from Patons Craft Book No. C.18. The book actually belongs to Ma Snook, who purchased it way back in the 1950’s, I believe. I’m still using up oddments of 8ply yarn on 4mm needles. This cosy was mostly knit while watching the TV movie of Pratchett’s Hogfather; hence the Christmas colours.