Author: Kris

  • Interview Tomorrow

    If you were a fruit, what would you be?
    Big interview in less than 24 hours. Have you ever been asked a particularly good – or bad – job interview question? This company is known for being rigorous, so I want to prepare as much as possible. Any questions or suggestions you could throw my way would be appreciated!

  • King on Rowling

    My cousin Jenny (who needs a blog already!) sent me a link to this wonderful essay by Stephen King on the Harry Potter series. King’s a big fan, and he does a great job of explaining why the books became so popular in the first place. It’s interesting, because King himself has been tarred with the “popular but not a real writer” brush on many occasions. Me, I love books with lots of plot and imagination, which is why Rowling and King have prominent places on my own bookshelf.

  • Knitting Classes

    Hello to any of my knitting students dropping by! Our usual knitting teacher Mel had to cancel this weekend, so I got drafted as a substitute teacher for our Beginning and Intermediate Knitting classes. The classes I’ve taught previously have all been more advanced (socks, cables, etc) so I was a bit nervous about dealing with newbies. I needn’t have worried. They were all great! Everyone learned something new, and quite a few of them seemed fired up and inspired when they left. Some of them even asked for my website to see my own knitting progression. It was nice to be reminded of how fun and exciting it is to teach someone a new skill.

  • Ribbed Tea Cosy

    Ribbed Tea CosyWell, the Great Tea Cosy Challenge was on shaky ground there for a while, as it looked like Auntie Linda might not do the stall after all. Happily, I’ve just found out we’re back on… and I’ve just finished my third cosy! This is another one I found on Ravelry, and it’s a free pattern from Bernat (though you do have to register on their site). I used less than two balls of Cleckheaton Country 8ply on 4mm needles, and the only significant change I made in the pattern was to knit the top shaping bit in the round (rather than sewing it up). I also used i-cord to make the loop at the top rather than crocheting one. Onwards and upwards!

  • Kafka’s Soup

    Kafka's SoupLast night I joined Fiona and Eva at Kinokuniya for a book reading by author Mark Crick. Mark’s book is called Kafka’s Soup and it’s billed as “A Complete History of World Literature in 14 Recipes.” Basically, it’s a little cookbook and each recipe is written in the style of a famous author. As foodies and book lovers, we couldn’t say no. Mark read aloud from Irvine Welsh’s Chocolate Cake, and we all giggled as he slurred his way through a passable imitation of a drunken Scotsman comparing the preparation of a chocolate cake to cooking up heroin. (We also got to have little pieces of the cake; it was lovely.) Afterwards we dutifully queued up to get our books signed, and though for most people he scribbled a polite “Bon Appetit!”, the three of us requested – and were granted – X-rated quotes from the Irvine Welsh. It was a fun evening. Thanks to the girls for accompanying me, and to Miss Fee for taking the picture!

  • Interview

    The interview went really well. (How well? On a scale of 1-10, I’d say about 10100.) Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and well wishes! I’m crossing my fingers now for an onsite interview.

    Update: Onsite interview booked for Tuesday morning. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!Didja catch that? 😉

  • City 2 Surf Photos

    City 2 Surf Photos – The Agony and the Ecstasy
    Last night I suddenly remembered that the City 2 Surf photos were available, so I looked up our bib numbers to see what they had. The first one of me was pretty good, with me chugging along and half of the Snook visible on the side. The second one? Not so good. In fact, I laughed and laughed and laughed. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Funniest. Running Pose. Ever.Okay photo   WHAT AM I DOING?

    Let’s be honest. I look like I’m in the Special Olympics in that second one. I actually remember the moment quite clearly. The guy was right at the end, standing literally at the finish line. The Snook and I were urging each other on in a sprint to finish strong. “Photographers!” I gasped. “Put your arms up!” he said. And this is what happened. WHAT AM I DOING? I couldn’t even manage a proper wave. Well, you try running eight miles and see if you photograph well at the end of it!

  • Free Wi-Fi

    Looks like free wi-fi is being rolled out in various spots around the CBD… Sweet. Now all I need is my friggin’ iPhone.

  • Pants

    Remember how I was looking for GAP Favorite Chinos? An awesome MeFite by the name of “orangemiles” came through for me! I just opened a big box with three pairs of pants, two boxes of Nutty Bars, and assorted other junk food. Hooray for the Internet!

  • Blue

    It looks like my brother Ant and his wife Kara will be bringing another BOY into the family! And while I’m thrilled because I’ve got lots of leftover ideas from Penn, I’m a little sad that I won’t get to knit frilly girl things yet. (JENNY – GET ON THIS.)Ha! Okay, yeah, I’m asking for it with that one. 🙂