Comic strip + Harry Potter + knitting = my kind of humour. (Thanks, Bex!)
Author: Kris
ASCII Magic Eye Movie
Ooh, neat! My friend Kel has this ASCII Magic Eye movie linked as her Google Chat away message. Can you see the bouncing ball? I can, but seeing Magic Eye pictures is my superpower.
Alex vs. Alex
Kudos to the 17-year-old student who managed to corner Alexander Downer on climate change. I wish I’d been that politically-aware at that age.
Tote Bags
Claudine has a lovely little new online shop selling her totes. I just ordered number 3 from her!
I’m already dreading that hill.
It’s five days til the 2007 City2Surf, and the Snook and I are once again taking part. We’d hoped to better our times from last year, but the combination of my hamstring injury and his laziness have meant that we haven’t done much training. We’ll do our best on the day, but realistically I think we’ll be walking most of it. There’s still time if you’d like to sponsor us, though, and I hope you’ll be cheering us on this Sunday! (Is it time to start carb-loading yet? Mmm, delicious carbs…) -
Sydney is apparently the 10th best “foodie” city in the world. Nice.
I’m finally getting to the end of these darn socks I’m knitting for the Snook – “Conwy” from Knitting on the Road, for those who care – and I hit a bit of a snag tonight. I’d been watching with some anxiety as the small ball of Jitterbug disappeared just a little too quickly through the foot. Tonight I had to face facts. I did not have enough yarn to finish the toes. So… to frog or not to frog? To be honest, this pattern really bored me. I didn’t think I can face doing the whole heel and foot again. So in desperation, I threw in some navy Town & Country I had in my stash. It looks rather bodgy, but I think I kinda like it. I told the Snook proudly tonight that I’ve decided to name the finished pattern “Graft Versus Host”. I’ll post pictures as soon as I weave the ends closed… -
How to Share Your Obituary with your Online Friends. Worth bookmarking, folks! Although in my case, you’d probably figure it out pretty quickly, what with my butt not being planted on CouchCam all the time…