Boing Boing reports that the Australian Federal Police Commissioner has predicted a wave of robot crime. I guess it’s time call up Old Glory Insurance!
Author: Kris
Penny Pie
Remember the little jumper I made for Penn? It finally arrived at my sister’s today and she’s posted some great pictures of him wearing it. Oh, and he said his first word. It was “Mama.” (It’s a wonder I can even type with all this cluckiness coursing through my veins…)
Eyeball Pincushion
How to make an Eyeball Pincushion. That is wicked! I should give those out as party favors at Halloween.
The Dark is Rising
Frick on a stick! I am spitting mad. I was just surfing through Kevin‘s site when I saw a mention of a trailer for The Dark is Rising. What? You mean the series of books I read as a kid, the ones about the Light and the Dark and King Arthur and all the old British myths? The same series that had Simon, Jane, and Barney searching for the Holy Grail and meeting the Greenwitch, while Will read the book of Grammarye and set Herne the Hunter on the trail of the agents of the Dark? The books I loved so much that when, during our, like, second date, the Snook mentioned that he’d read and loved them too, I made a mental note that he could be “The One”? That series? Well, I had to see this. FOLKS, IT SUCKS. Those two minutes suck up one side and down the other. The Snook and I stood before my computer in stupefied disbelief. Who the hell are these people? Where’s Merriman? Who’s that kid “travelling through time” with Will? Why is Will a snotty teenager? Why is Doctor friggin’ Who playing the Black Rider? And why the hell would you set a series that is about friggin’ KING ARTHUR IN GODDAMN AMERICA?
As the Wikipedia entry sadly notes: “The film is in no way loyal to the original book.” Understatement. Of. The. Year.
Swish and FLICK!
I went out at lunch and got myself a present. Snookums predicts I’ll be suffering a serious case of “Wii shoulder” from all the swish-and-flicking come Monday.
Jenny just sent me a link to this month’s Details magazine, which features Daniel Radcliffe on the cover and an interview and photoshoot inside. EWW EWW EWW. Not a fan of the chin fluff. Nor the leather vest. *shudder*
Order of the Phoenix
As the Order of the Phoenix file out of the Room of Requirement, Harry steels himself to go kiss Cho. Ginny shoots him a pained look.
Snookums: *eye roll* Girls.My Official OOTP One-Word Review: PHWOAR! (That’s a thumbs-up, in other words.)
Seriously, it is becoming more and more apparent that the real intended audience for these movies is grown-up women (and gay men). There’s more fodder for fan fiction in this one movie than in an entire series of Star Trek. I’d pretty much been immune to the Snape-love before, but WHOA. Every time Alan Rickman snaked out a syllable, the women in the audience swooned. And that scene, the one where he’s teaching Harry Occlumency, you know, the one where he warns Harry he’s about to penetrate him…? Uh yeah. Anyway. Man, Daniel Radcliffe is looking really fit, isn’t he? Could there BE anymore shots of his neck or sweaty chest? There could not. (He’s still a bit too pretty in the face for me, but I’m willing to overlook it.) And Sirius was SMOKIN’ in this movie. I know that some folks have been on the Gary Oldman train for years, but I never really got it. Before. Ahem.
But enough about the eye candy. There was lots of other stuff I liked, the most important being that they cut all the crap out of the story. I always found Phoenix too long and confusing, and the movie version boils down the story nicely. (Though it does leave a very obvious plot hole: why the hell does Voldemort suddenly want the prophecy anyway? Not that it matters, since it’s a total MacGuffin and the information itself isn’t exactly earth-shattering.) Helena Bonham-Carter was a complete nutbar, and I mean that in the most complimentary way. The kiss was nicely done. (Though I missed most of the conversation afterwards, as the audience was still rolling from Harry’s “Wet.” comment.) LOVED Fred and George, as usual. Love Ginny, love Neville. Surprisingly, I really liked Luna Lovegood! I never warmed to her in the books and I expected to be ambivalent, but the actress did a great job with it. I loved the fact that they were able to incorporate so much footage from the previous films, like the scene with Harry and the Mirror of Erised.
Also liked: all the typography. I’m serious. Whoever had to design all those newspapers and Educational Decrees did a really good job.
And lastly… Tonks. Yeah, it was purple, and it was briefly red, and she didn’t suck too much… but mostly I’m just glad that she was only in it for two minutes. I’ll have that much more scope for creativity in my costume!
Flickr Annoyances
Hmm. It seems I’m not the only one who finds Flickr darn near unusably slow most of the time. 🙁